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All through out the class the five were passing notes.

I bet Issac likes her

No I don't guys

Who cares

Everyone likes her


Issac x Cynthia

No Pete x Georgia

Shut up Issac

Let her in our club tho

No she's ugly

What? She's pretty as hell


I think Darcie is wayyyyy better looking

"What's this, Cameron?" Said Mrs Cooley walking up to Cameron's desk. He was holding a yellow sticky note with Issac's scribbly writing,
"R-reminders Mrs Cooley" Cameron lied. He was shaking a bit in worry
"Let me see" Mrs Cooley insisted
"It's private" Cameron told her hoping she would walk Away
"How come?"
"It's to do with...Ummm..." Cameron stuttered
"-to do with his sick grandma" Freddie said after Cameron.
"Y-yeah my grandma" Cameron repeated. Mrs Cooley gave a disgusted and confused look.
"Give me that" Mrs Cooley hissed and  snatched the note . "It says: 'I think Darcie is wayyyy better looking'"

The whole class fell about laughing and even Darcie in the corner sniggered
"Cameron likes Darcie!" A kid repeated
"Why don't you snog her!?" Said another
"Take her home as well!"
Mrs Cooley didn't bother doing anything either,
"I didn't write it though, Issac wrote it" Cameron pointed at Issac. The class laughed even more, Mrs Cooley had to stop her lip curling round.
"Issac wants to go to Darcie's house!" Said one kid
"Do more than that" said another
"That's enough" Mrs Cooley insisted although throughout the rest of the lesson everyone was sniggering and making inappropriate jokes about Issac and Darcie.

As soon as classes ended a kid walked up to Issac, he had Curly brown hair reaching upwards,  bright sea blue  eyes too. His face also covered in freckles.
"Stay off Darcie" he shoved Issac
"What?" Issac questioned him, you could tell he wasn't in the mood for fighting at all.
"Stay away curly kid" Pete shoved the boy
"Well isn't it Peter Hammond" he smirked, "You're the one who stole my baseball cap"
"That was in 4th grade, Marco!"
"Who is this?" Cameron ran over asking Pete "you know eachother?"
"We went to the same baseball club" the curly kid told him
"But Pete is pathetic at baseball" Freddie said to him
"Exactly" the boy shoved Pete again, it made him go tomato in the cheeks.
"Leave it, Pete" Cameron told him.
"What's with you and Darcie?" Issac asked the boy
"She's my cousin"
"You look nothing alike" Freddie eyed the boy head to toe. Darcie had straight black hair past her waist and deep emerald eyes.
"J-just stay away from her!" He stuttered than ran off.

The rest of the day was fairly normal, although after school the few had all planned to go to Freddie's house which was a huge place.
"Where's my bike?" Asked Louie while looking around the bike rack.
"Where did you put it?" Cameron asked
"Right here" he replied quickly checking all around the bike rack.
"Where the hell is it gone then?" Issac said adjusting his seat,
"I bet that tard ,Marco, stole it" Pete hissed under his breath
"Hop on the back of mine" Cameron suggested
"Mom is going to kill me" Louie mumbled
"Too bad" Issac replied getting on.
"Let's go" Freddie said

While biking through the woods to Butterscotch Lane (where all the posh and rich people of Everly lived) Louie slipped and fell off which caused Cameron to go off course.
"Watch out!" Cameron shouted gripping tightly to the handle bars trying to stay balanced, suddenly his bike crashed into Freddie's who then fell into a tree. Pete tried to make an instant stop but then Issac crashed into him as he was slowing down, this made both of them fall off. They all lay there in pain.

Cameron got up first as he wasn't trapped under a bike, he walked over to Freddie to help as Peter and Issac lifted eachother while brushing off.
"Stupid Louie" Issac mumbled loudly
"It's not his fault" Cameron shouted to Issac
"No, you're right. It's your fault, Cameron for being bad at cycling"
Cameron rolled his eyes and lifted the bike off of Freddie who thanked him.
"Where's Louie?" Freddie asked
"Over there he's just-" then there was a scream coming from deep into the woods.

It was quite low pitched but a boys voice, a similar one too. The boys stared at eachother.
"Louie..." Pete whispered
"Let's go" Cameron said walking further to the woods "NOW!"
The three followed on leaving their bikes on the road. It was getting darker as it was the winter, the sun was already setting. They ran faster and deeper in the woods.
"Louie!" They screamed
"Wait," Cameron hushed "I heard something." They went silent
"HELP!" the boy shouted, the three instantly ran in that direction. There was a bag laying on the grass floor. It was grey, not Louie's.
"Must be old," Freddie suggested
"No," Pete said "that's Marcos bag" everyone stared at him.
"Then where's Louie..." Cameron questioned
"Still back there on the road , alone" Pete told the other three
"Shit let's go!" Issac shouted
"No we have to help Marco" Cameron told them
"No way he's a dick head!" Issac insisted
"We still should help him" Freddie mentioned
"Shut the fuck up, Fred" Issac moaned and started walking back
"No way you're going anywhere" Pete grabbed him "no matter how much I hate Marco, they're right"
"What about Louie!?" Questioned Issac standing still "you know what he's like, he'll be dead scared and cry n'shit, plus is freezing out here"
"He has a point, one of us go back for Louie then" Freddie said
"I will then" Issac rolled his eyes and carried on walking

The now three rather than four searched the area and walked further.
"Nothings here" Freddie told them
"Yeah nothi-AHH" Pete said then fell into a hole in the floor.
"Pete?" Cameron asked
"I'm fine! Look over here I'm in a...trap door?" Pete shouted. There was a trap door covered in grass...and blood on the other side. "Get down here!"
"No way" Fred said
"We have to go" Cameron told him "For Marco."
"I doubt this is real, fuck it. I'm out" Fred sighed and started walking off
"It is real!" Pete shouted "come back you pussy!"
"I believe you Pete."
"It's just a trapdoor to the "spy" Kids little base thing" Fred complained. The spy kids where a group of middleschoolers who claimed to be kid spy's, you would usually find them peaking at you around the corridor or writing notes, they also made a bunch of crappy  "equipment", they also had a base in this forest.
"Actually that's probably true..." Pete said
"Then why is there blood there, and why did Marco scream!?" Cameron shouted
"Because Marco is a little shit" Fred bellowed from in front still walking.
"The blood could be from anything, dumbass" Pete said and started climbing out the hole.
"We have to investigate! The Spy Club Kids thing is pretty neat anyway" Cameron argued
"No they're shit. Nobody even speaks to them at all." Fred said
"They're bullied!" Pete said
"No, Ron punched Phillip once because he was looking through his bag which is fair enough" Cameron replied truthfully
"Just come on!" Pete hopped out the hole and followed Fred. Cameron rolled his eyes and shut the trap door then followed on.

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