Re-Incarnated Love Ch.4

Start from the beginning

"What are we going to do today?" Siren asked. Sometimes he's so quiet I forget he's there.

"Let's go to the carnival! I hear it's open today" Emily screamed excitedly

"Chill Em. It does sound like fun though"

"Ya let's meet up there in an hour. I need to go home and change anyway"

"See you guys there." Joy said and and put her stuff together.

"Do you guys need a ride? I could drive you home" yea I have my driver's license but I prefer to walk to places to keep in shape. I wish I remembered I had a car when I made Siren and I miss the bus yesterday

"We don't live that far from you. We are just a few blocks away" Joy said

"Ok then. I'll see you guys later" I gave them good bye hugs and they left with their stuff

"Come on let's get ready!" I shouted to Siren who just shook his head at me in amusement.

He flashed into some black jeans and a plain white  t-shirt. He looked extremely hot.

"Did I ever tell you how hot you look?" I questioned while still checking out Siren.

"Every time I change clothes" Siren smirked at me

After a couple minutes of eye raping, I remembered that I haven't showered or changed yet.

I grabbed my towel and took a quick shower and used cold water

When I got out of the bathroom I threw on a green shirt and put on grey jeans, and Nikes. I ate breakfast and got my keys off the wall beside the front door

My parents gave enough money to buy me two cars and have one each for themselves. It's one of the few things that made being alone and an only child for years bearable.

I got the first one when I received my driver's permit. I got the second one for getting straight A's on one report card. What my parents don't know is that it wasn't my report card

I hopped into my favorite. The prius, because it's comfortable and efficient. Once Siren got in I drove off to the carnival. I saw Joy and Emily waiting for us at the entrance gate impatiently tapping their feet.

"What took you guys so long?" Emily asked more angry than curious.

"We're only 10 minutes late, and there was some major traffic on the way"

"Well come on then! Let's go on the Rainbow Swirl before the line gets too long!"

The Rainbow Swirl is a roller coaster that is in the shape of a huge upside down U or also know as a rainbow. It's about 50 feet high.

The parts of it going down is twisted so when you come up and down we swirl around.

"I hear that every person that went on it barfed" Joy said scared

"That just makes it even more awesome! Have you ever been on a roller coaster before Siren?" Emily asked turning to face him.

"No. I'm not the type of person that likes rides"

"Oh so you're a roller coaster virgin like Jacob"


"What? You know it's true" what am I going to do with this girl?

"The line is pretty short. Probably because it's Wednesday and most kids still have school"

"More fun for us then" Emily must really want to go the ride. It looks like she'll fight a kid for a l spot.

I on the other hand am freaked out. I have a huge fear of heights.

Of course I never told anyone. Emily would laugh at me.

I need to find a way to get out if this without anyone suspecting a thing fast.

Shit we're next! Come on Jacob come up with something quickly.

"I have to use the bathroom" you could have came up with something more clever but that will do. Now that I think about it, I actually do have to use the bathroom.

"Can't you hold it in. You're gonna miss the ride"

"If I try I'll probably piss my pants on the roller coaster"

"Ok then. Go to the bathroom."

I started to walk away and Siren began to follow me.

"Siren go on the roller coaster. I don't want you missing this because of me"

I can't ruin Siren's first roller coaster ride. I'd never be able to live with myself knowing that I made him miss that

"It is ok. I would rather be with you" awww that was so sweet.

"No. I want you to go on the ride. You need to be with Emily and Joy if anything happens. I'll be fine"

"Are you sure?" Siren asked almost pleadinig to come with me.

"Yes. It's just the bathroom. What could happen?"

"Ok I'll stay. Come back as soon as you're done"

"Sure" He kissed me and I walked away in search for a bathroom.

Where could the bathrooms be. I'd use a porta potty if I have to.

"Are you Jacob?" I turned around to face the mysterious voice, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The person looked a lot like Siren. He had the same face structure but his hair was black and his eyes are amethyst with gold flakes. He was wearing black jeans and a pain black t-shirt.

"Yea. Why?" I don't know what surprised me more, Siren's look alike or the fact that Siren's doppelganger was kissing me.

He had his lips forced on mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth.

I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

I wanted to resist the kiss but the person was to strong and I just gave up and kissed back.

I knew it was wrong but it felt so right.

After we broke the kiss my mind started racing.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Neris also known as Siren's anti-angel. In simple terms, I'm a demon"

I was speechless. What do you say when you meet your boyfriend's nemesis and then make out with him?

"Aren't you evil?"

"No. Just because most demons are doesn't mean we all are. I was born with this curse"

Now I felt bad for him.

"What do you want from me exactly?"

"I want you"


Cliff hanger. I hoped you liked this chapter. I made it my longest one. If you didn't notice Neris is Siren backwards. I'm planning on putting a Siren POV in the next chapter. Maybe a Neris one I'm in the mood.

I also need help coming up with stuff for the next chapter. If you have any ideas comment them and don't forget to vote.

Bye! See ya next chapter!

Re-Incarnated Love (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now