"Oh, Chrissy! I'm so glad you're here!" Scarlett breathed, meeting the girl's shimmering cinnamon brown eyes.

Then Scarlett sent a quick glance backward at the boys, who were watching with interest. She leaned closer to Chrissy and softly exclaimed, "Marcus and Martinus are here!"

"I noticed," Chrissy replied in barely a whisper.

"And Sage! Sage Rosen is here! Kidnapped with us!" Scarlett Grace enthused, her eyes shifting around Chrissy's face.

Chrissy began to nod gently and roll her eyes. Then she suddenly wobbled and stumbled forward, her cousin barely catching her before she hit the ground. Chrissy's shuddered and lifted her gaze up to Scarlett, her eyes wide with concern.

"My knee gave out," Chrissy whined softly, her voice full of worry.

Scarlett glanced around for the robed beast, but he was nowhere in sight. She gazed backward again and pointed to the upright empty chair saying, "Someone, pull that out."

Martinus jumped up and hurried to angle the chair as Scarlett helped her shaking cousin move over to her seat. Once Chrissy lowered herself gently down in the wooden chair, Scarlett slid the untouched glass across the table and up to Chrissy, watching with a smile as Chrissy leaned over and immediately turned her nose up at the liquid.

"N-no thanks," Chrissy said, pushing it away.

"Drink it!" The other four said in unison.

Chrissy glanced at everyone with a confused face.

"It'll ease the effects of the drug you were given," Scarlett elaborated with a grin and a nod.

Chrissy sighed and pulled the glass back, peering into it before she picked it up. Scarlett resumed her own seat next to her cousin and thanked Martinus as he did the same. She glanced over at Chrissy and saw her cousin eye the lean blonde as he sat back down next to Marcus. Scarlett cleared her throat softly and caught her cousin's attention.

"Drink it," Scarlett mouthed as she cut her eyes to Chrissy's glass. An amused smile painted Scarlett's face as she watched Chrissy's subtle observance of the twins.

"So," Scarlett said, deciding to move on. "Introductions. I'm sure most of us know each other's names, but let's make sure. This is my cousin, Chrissy. Chrissy, you recognize Marcus, Martinus, and Sage, right?"

Chrissy looked at everyone briefly and nodded before glancing at the second pizza and the plates that were just out of her reach.

Martinus followed her gaze and slid one of the plates over to Chrissy as he said, "Nice to meet you, Chrissy,"

Marcus nodded in agreement and Chrissy returned the greeting. She filled her plate then immediately swiveled around and whispered-growled to Scarlett, "Why did you introduce me? I can do it myself."

"Sorry," Scarlett replied sheepishly, a bit surprised at her reaction. "I guess I just know everyone here so I felt like it was my responsibility."

Chrissy pulled away and Scarlett let her gaze linger for a moment.

"Anyway," Scarlett continued. "I believe I introduced myself to the twins, but I never gave you my name, Mr. Rosen." Scarlett took a breath and reached her hand across the table to Sage, feeling her heartbeats get more rapid. "I'm Scarlett Grace, and it's truly a pleasure to meet you, Sage Rosen."

She watched him with a tinge of fear. To her relief, Sage reached across the table as well and their hands met in the middle. As they grasped hands and gave a firm shake, Scarlett allowed herself to gaze into his clear chocolate-brown eyes. She was actually starting to enjoy being abducted.

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