After what seemed like hours later I hear movement on the other side of the front door so I stood up ready, "honestly I'm fed up with it, I'm so glad I don't have to work with her anymore she was a nightmare and I don't know how it took me so long to realise it!" (Y/N) complains as I hear her to start to open the door. As she pushes the door open I see her carrying a bunch of groceries balancing her phone on her shoulder, she instantly stops in her tracks as she sees all the fairy lights and candles I had set up and finally seeing me. "mom I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to go" she says not taking her eyes off of me, she puts down all her bags and shuts the door behind her. I smirk over to her and open my arms out to her and she just smiles shaking her head at me before rushing straight into my arms. "what on earth are you doing here?" she asks, "well me and the little one though we would come and surprise you" I smile. She smiles back up at me "well I am definitely surprised" she says leaning up to kiss me, "are you okay you seemed a bit stressed on the phone just then" I ask her. "yeah I'm actually great, I'm no longer friends with Maddie" (Y/N) says, I raise a brow at her confused "and that's a good thing I thought you were close" I ask her. "we were but it took losing her a friend to realise how much of a toxic friend she was causing me unnecessary stress when I should be focussing on my job, my kid and you" (Y/N) smiles, I rest my hands around her hips "well if it means I see you more and a happier you than I'm happy" I smile. "I am happier, especially now that you're here" (Y/N) smiles, "good now I made dinner but it may need warming up I thought you'd be home earlier" I explain pointing over to the table. "yeah I would be normally but I needed groceries" (Y/N) explains, "its okay how about I put away the things that need putting away while you go see your daughter" I smile kissing her head. "is she asleep?" (Y/N) asks, I nod my head "yeah the travelling tired her out so she couldn't stay up" I explain. "that's okay I'll be quiet" she smiles "I'm so happy to have my babies back with me" she sighs kissing me before heading off to see tash. I quickly put all of the shopping away that needed to go away leaving everything else for the morning, once I was done I head towards the spare bedroom where tash was sleeping. As I look in I see (Y/N) smiling down at tash as she slept, "she's grown" (Y/N) sighs quietly. I walk over and wrap my arms around her shoulders "I know, she'll be so excited to see you when she wakes up" I whisper "and in the mean time I have a meal ready for you so come on" I smirk taking her hand and leading her out. As we walk out (Y/N) stops "what's wrong?" I ask, "nothing I just want this moment to last just a little bit longer" she smiles. "why this moment?" I ask her wrapping an arm around her waist, "because its like when we first started dating, when life was less busy, and it was just the two of us" she sighs with a smile. "do you miss it?" I ask her, "a little, but it led me to this life, this moment, a great job with so many opportunities and a perfect family, and I wouldn't change it for the world" she smiles turning to face me. I couldn't help but smile back down at her "me too" I smile leaning down and kissing her, "now I'm hungry" (Y/N) smirks pulling me over to the table where the meal was laid out. "this is delicious, I'm so glad you came I was just going to order I was too tired to cook" (Y/N) smiles as we eat, "well I'm glad I came when I did, these two weeks are going be amazing" I laugh. "yeah I was thinking on my next day off why don't we take tash to the toddler session they have the trampoline park, she would love it, all the soft play toys and bouncing around" (Y/N) says, "sounds amazing, when are you next off?" I ask. "well because I didn't know you were coming this week I moved my days off from this week to next week to I had more time off with you" (Y/N) sighs, I take her hand across the table "hey don't worry about that, you didn't know plus I bet tash would love to come and see you perform" I smile. "really?" (Y/N) asks, "yeah of course, while you've been away me and her have been having little singing sessions, singing along to the song you sing" I laugh. "oh my god really?" (Y/N) laughs, "yeah look I'll show you my mom filmed us when I wasn't looking" I laugh showing her the video making her laugh out loud. "that is adorable" (Y/N) smiles, "yeah, she can't quite get the words but give it some time she'll be after your job" I laugh.

I woke up to the sound of (Y/N)'s alarm going off "morning" I say rubbing my eyes, "sorry I didn't mean to wake you" (Y/N) apologises turning the alarm off. "hey its okay, now you need to stay here while I go get someone" I say kissing her forehead as I got up, I made my way into the spare room to wake tash up. "hey sweetie, time to wake up" I say quietly as I gently woke her, she let out the cutest of yawns as she slowly opened her eyes. "do you want to see mommy?" I ask her, she tiredly nods her head holding her arms out to be picked up. I smile picking her up "come on then she waiting for you" I say walking back to (Y/N)'s room with her head resting on my shoulder. "hey tash look who's that?" I say pointing over to (Y/N), tash looks over to see (Y/N) smiling and waving at her. tash's face instantly lit up "mommy!" she smiles reaching out to (Y/N), I pass her to (Y/N) who hugs tash instantly "hey baby have you been a good girl for daddy" (Y/N) smiles. Tash nods her head "good girl, do you want to come to set with me today, you and daddy can sing with me" (Y/N) tell her, "yes mommy" tash smiles excitedly. When we arrived on set (Y/N) went off to get ready to shoot "mommy?" tash asks as (Y/N) left, "she'll be back come on lets sit down" I say moving to sit down so we could see (Y/N) on stage. While we waited me and tash played games on the ipad, "okay are we ready?" the director says as everyone takes their places, "okay tash be a good girl and be nice and quiet" I say, she nods her head putting a finger to her lip. I laugh slightly lifting her onto my lap so she could see, as the scene starts it was an audition scene. We watched as (Y/N) sang a section of the song before being stopped by the theatre director "okay you stop there" he says, "oh yeah sure" (Y/N) says fiddling with her top. "can I ask what your background is in theatre?" the director asks, "well I did productions in high school, and I've been working for Disney" (Y/N) explains, "as what?" the director asks, "a cast member" (Y/N) answers. "really which movie" the director asks taking notes in front of him, "not movies, in the parks" (Y/N) explains nervously. The director looks up "as in the princesses they have around the park?" he asks, "yes" (Y/N) mutters, "well I'm sorry but that's not good enough, and if I'm honest neither are you, we're done here" the director says. The scene was going great but before I could stop her tash shouted out "Meanie!" she shouts, the entire cast and crew burst into laughter "I think that's the cutest blooper ever" the movie director laughs. "aw tash its okay, mommy's just acting" (Y/N) smiles walking over to give tash a hug "see look we're friends" (Y/N) continues walking over to the actor playing the director. Tash just scowls at him poking her tongue out at him "I'm so sorry but that is just too cute" (Y/N) laughs, hugging tash "hey I'm sorry for being mean to your mommy, forgive me?" the actor smiles holding his hand out. Tash just shakes her head looking away from him, "I think someone needs to go play in my dressing room with daddy" (Y/N) laughs passing tash back to me. "come on missy you'll see mommy in a little bit" I laugh I say getting her to wave at (Y/N) "see you in a bit" I smile kissing (Y/N) quickly before heading to the dressing rooms with the noisy tash. It was the evening and (Y/N) had just come back from putting tash to bed, "chris can I ask you something?" she asks sitting down on the couch next to me "yeah sure what's up?" I ask turning to face her. "can you remember a while back earlier in the year we talked about having a big boston family?" she asks me, "vaguely yeah, why?" I ask confused. "well while we have the perfect little family right now, how about we expand it" (Y/N) asks, "you mean have another kid?" I ask, she nods her head "yeah but if you don't think it's the right time then that's fine" she says beginning to ramble. I smile leaning over and kissing her to stop her "I'd love to, a little brother or sister for tash would be amazing" I smile, "really? So we're going to start trying?" she asks, "we're going to start trying" I smile kissing her again.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now