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Auston's POV:

After my phone call with Brynn a couple weeks back, I truly couldn't get her out of my head. I wasn't expecting the call to go so smoothly like it did, but now I can't stop the thoughts for slipping my mind. I sat on my bed in the hotel watching highlights from the first playoff game we had last night. As our highlights ended, they showed highlights for the Las Vegas and Los Angeles game. I watched intently before grabbing my phone and hitting call. The phone rang once before they picked up.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line said.

"Brynn, is that you?" I asked curiously.

"No this is her friend Jess. Auston why are you still calling her?" She asked.

I sighed. "Will you just tell her I called and that I need her to call me back?"

She scoffed. "Why would I do that," I heard her close a door signaling that she went outside to keep the conversation between us. "She's happy. Elle is happy-"

"Jesus Jess, you don't think I fucking know that! But when you love someone so much it's hard to-it's hard to forget about them. It's so fucking hard. Jess I see her in every girl I look at, I see her in my mom and my sisters. I see her in Steph and Mitch and Freddie and Naz. Christ I even see her in Morgan. I-I love her and I miss her and I just need her back in my arms. My arms, Jess. Not Alec's, but mine!" Jess lets out a breath after my outburst.

"I didn't know you feel that way Auston." she replied.

"Of course not. No one ever asked how I was feeling. Everyone wanted to know how Brynn was feeling but never asked about the cheater. That's what I am though, right? A cheater. I threw away a good girl that I saw myself spending the rest of my life with and I'm so fucking lost without her it's unreal." I retorted.

"I'll give you some advice and you better think long and hard about this. If you truly want Brynn back, you better start winning her over now. I overheard Alec talking on the phone with Anze about jewelry stores. I think he is planning on proposing to her sometime during the playoffs. Just an fyi." She told me.

I nodded before replying a quick thank you and hanging up the phone. I kept watching the highlights before putting my head in my hands. I didn't know what I was going to do.

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