Without looking up, I inched my arm up the couch and grabbed my computer. I lazily laid my head over on my arm so I could see my screen and typed in my password. I opened the website for the apartment building and looked through all of the ones that were available.

"Shawn, what floor is your apartment on?" I asked, the sound muffled by the fat of my arm.

"5th floor. Why?" He asked. I went to the list of 5th floor apartments and picked one of the two bedroom and two bathroom.

I sighed before clicking the final agreement page.

"Apartment 529b is officially mine." I said closing out of that tab and going to the furniture store website. I head Shawn shifting around on the couch to where he was laying down and could see what I was doing.

"You just had to buy the apartment right next to mine did you?" He asked laughing. I put my finger up to my mouth to shush him and went back to looking at couches.

"I like they grey one." Shawn said pointing to a 3 piece grey sectional. I was planning on clocking that one anyway so I added it to my cart. I continued clicking away until I pretty much had furniture for every room in the apartment. It took about 20 minutes to decide on which bed I wanted but I finally decided on a four post black king size bed. I got a trundle bed and a crib/toddler bed for the guest room for one my siblings come over. I looked at the clock on my computer and saw that it was almost 2pm.

"Is charlie, like, alive?" I asked sitting up and hitting send on my giant furniture purchase that costed way more than I care to tell.

"I don't know. I heard him snoring before I came out here. I guess he's still asleep." Shawn said sitting up in the couch.

"My moms are right, do you ever wear a shirt?" I said tilting my head and counting the number of abs he had. Four, five six....seven, eight? How? Oh las cosas que le haría. I quickly shook my head and looked at my phone.

"Sè lo que quieres hacer este verano." Charlie said walking out of the bunks. My eyes widened and I turned to look at him.

"Do you guys mind not speaking in not English?" Shawn asked standing up and walking into the kitchen. I laughed and got up from the floor to sit on the couch.

Shawn walked back in with two bottles of water and handed me one.

"So what were you guys saying anyway?" Shawn asked opening his bottle of water and taking a sip.

"It's funny you should ask..." Charlie started but I threw the remote at him to get him to shut up.

"It was nothing." I said leaning back into the couch and watching the tv. Shawn looked over at me with his eyebrows raised and I just shrugged.

"Okay y'all, it's currently 2am on the east coast, but we finally made it to New York. The entire state is completely white but the roads are clear so none of the shows are canceled so far. We are just about to get to the hotel for tonight and then we are spending all day tomorrow getting ready for the first of three shows in New York City! I can't believe there's only three shows of the tour left. Time flies when you're having fun I guess. Well that's all I had to say, love you guys so so so so so much and can't wait to so you all. Bye loves," I blew a kiss at the camera as I ended the video. I posted it on all of the usual platforms. 

I slid on my boots and zipped them up, I then put on my coat and gloves. I was so ready to get off of this bus and to sleep in a real bed. The bus stopped about 100 yards from the hotel due to the cars on the sides of the streets. It was still snowing a little so I opened my umbrella and waited for the boys to get off the bus.

God's Plan (formerly fake love) SM Where stories live. Discover now