Guilt Trip

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After my little chat with Mikaela, I wasn't nearly ready enough to face my father. He would be livid at me disobeying his order. Livid that I had chosen Mikaela over them, in his eyes. Two hours after I had left I found myself outside of a bar on the east side of the human settlement, not too far from the pack. The place was crowded, with bikers spilling out from every nook. I fit right in. Men and women stared at me as I pulled off my helmet, cutting the engine of my Harley. No one dared say a single thing as I strode up the steps of the bar. With Mika on lock down, I didn't have my usual partner in crime. So solo I was. Sundays were normally for family. Or so my mother would want it, but between Sophie's studies, Jasper's grooming and father's lack of any form of bond with his children, mother wouldn't get what she wanted quickly. None of us wanted to bother father, anyway, as he would be sulking somewhere. Licking his wounds over a small betrayal, from his favorite daughter.

With no plan in mind, I headed to my usual spot by the bar. The bartenders were so used to my sulking that they knew my moods from first glance. If Mikaela had joined, we wouldn't be here. Not even close to here. She wasn't cut out for this type of vibe. One wrong look here would have any human slamming a fist into another's face. My sort of pleasures, I suppose. My leather pants slid easily onto the plastic stool, tugging at my thighs a bit in protest. "Double brandy and coke please." I instructed the lady behind the counter. She gave me a curt nod and scurried off. She didn't look all too familiar. There was a shaggy bearded man behind the bar most of the times I had visited. But this was the first Sunday I had decided to come here. Every time Mikaela's mother would pull bitch and didn't let me see her, I would haul ass to this place. The music was all but dreary, nothing compared to last night's bass but that's what I wanted. A small pity party for causing my best friend trouble. I was used to being the one everyone looked down on. The little omega, daughter to the Alpha. Disgrace to the pack.

I had never been one for conventionally grown ideas. If you do not stand out, you will drown in the crowd. Which was exactly what my people wanted. Live for them. Die for them. Don't have a hair out of place. To them I had been a thorn in their side since I turned at age seven. So much smaller than the rest of the pups. Father couldn't look at me for well over three months afterwards. Mikaela had seen me, then. Loved me even though we were just children. Often enough, she would come tend to my wounds in secret after father was finished with me. He demanded excellence. Power. More and more power, that I somehow had found within myself. Shattered his expectations time and time again, only for him to set the bar incredibly high again. Now he had a rebel for a young Beta in training. Finding new ways to torture me in was his every day mission.

The lady put my drink in front of me and smiled. Casually, I slid the money to her over the counter but she just shook her head. "A gentleman already paid for you." She mused and slid the money back over to me. By human standards. she was beautiful. Lost in a place like this when she could have any Alpha drool over her.

"Who?" I questioned, an eyebrow raised. She smiled at me again and something twisted within my gut. Hormones, maybe, because I could think up at least twenty ways in which I could take her. What an oddly male thing to think.

"Brandy and coke... odd choice for someone of the fairer sex. But then again, so is a Harley." The man walked closer to me, a full chuckle vibrating in his chest. I studied his face in depth. From his full pouty lips, all the way to his sharp jawline. Stubble was already gathering across the lower part of his face, adding to his allure. His black hair was neatly styled. But his eyes caught me off guard. Deep blue with twinges of green flecking them. Mesmerizing, even in the dim bar light. He looked familiar. Too familiar, but for some reason my memory failed me.

"And who might you be?" I asked, then took a long sip of my drink, the liquid burning as it slipped into my stomach.

"Julian, the guy from last night." He extended his hand, but I just stared at him, perplexed at the audacity of this man. It took me another second of staring at him before I realized who he was. Where I had first met him. The guy that stopped me from making the blonde bitch from last night my latest science project.

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