The Pool

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The next day I awoke to a knocking on  my door. "Come in." I said groggily, sitting up in my bed. James poked his head in the door. I motioned for him to come in and he sat on the chair next to my bed. "Hey." I said, laying back down. "Let's go do something." he said.

"Like what?" I asked as I thought of what we could do. He shrugged as I suddenly had an idea. "Change into a swimsuit and meet me here in five minutes. He nodded and left my room, allowing me the get ready.

I changed into a cute, one piece swimsuit- I only wear one piece swimsuits and brushed my hair. I also threw on a sundress and waited for James. He arrived right on time, knocking on my door. I opened it and led him to our pool on the bottom story.

James and I stayed in the pool for almost the whole day. We laughed and talked with eachother. James would sometimes throw me into the air and we would start laughing. Apparently we were really loud though because Severa came in with a stern look on her face.

"Can I talk to you?" She growled at me. I looked at James sadly and followed her into a corner of the pool room. 

"In don't think you should marry James." She said. I looked at her, stunned. She went on without letting me speak. "He's preventing you from doing your duties as a princess." She said.

"I'm in love with him. I don't care what you think. I love him! He is the only one who makes me feel like myself. I feel beautiful, and loved, and special. And you don't understand that. I will never leave him." I shouted this and I knew James could hear, but I didn't care. I wanted him to know how much he meant to me. "Severa, I'm done with your tricks, I'm tired of you! You try to control me. I'm going to be Queen soon and I don't need you. My whole life, I just needed a mother. Mary-Anne filled that spot. You were just the bully that I thought I wouldn't have as a princess. Goodbye." I said. She looked at me with her cold eyes. "You're making a mistake." She barked. But she turned and walked out of the pool room to collect her things and leave.

James came up and hugged me. I hugged him back. Severa always made a good day bad. She did that today and the the day with James in the library.

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