The Leaf and the Cloud

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"I want to know it'll be ok. That Izami-chan will-"

"What I do with my clan is my bussiness." Sasuke's tone, though whispered, was again intertwined with anger and protectiveness. Though there was certainly more anger in the tone. Wabisuke knew that stemmed from his meddling, but he couldn't bring himself to rightfully care. He needed this insurance.

"Izami-chan is still my friend. What happens to her is my business." The two had a mini stare off for a moment before Sasuke broke it off. He sighed heavily, pausing in his footsteps as he closed his eyes. When he spoke next, eyes still closed, the Uchiha man was oddly calm. Peaceful, even.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to her." Somehow, those words comforted the part of Wabisuke's mind that felt guilty about his recent actions, however small that was at that point. Wabisuke nodded with this realization, taking steps backwards.

"Good. Better keep that promise Uchiha-san." Sasuke opened his mouth to retort back to Wabisuke, but he had already disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Sasuke sighed, nodding slightly, and then contuined walking.


"You honour our family by staying with us. At least for a few days, but it is still an honour to be hosting shinobi such as yourselves." Izami had never heard Hikaru speak so politely. It made her suspicious. She was practically waiting for the insult she was so sure that would follow.

"The honour is ours. Thank you for agreeing to house us." Kurenai replied with a smile. Hikaru returned Kurenai's smile. Izami frowned, her suspicion settling in further. She had never seen Hikaru act so polite. To anyone. Ever.

"I would have nothing less for the people that kept my little sister safe. For both the journey here, and for her living in Kohona. My family is grateful towards you, and the Leaf." Kakashi laughed slightly, and nodded.

"It wasn't an easy job." Hikaru laughed, casting a teasing look to Izami. Izami just scowled, and looked the other way.

"Have you two been shown your rooms?" Hikaru asked as he rolled his eyes, and looked back towards to Kakashi and Kurenai.

"Yes. Izami-chan showed us when we arrived." Kurenai again answered with a smile.

"Oh, did she?" Hikaru's blue eyes glanced at Izami, his eyes only showing the slightest hints of malice. Izami tried to ignore the look."How...Kind." His tone was mock kindness. He then returned his attention back to Kurenai and Kakashi."Please, make yourselves at home. I'm sorry this meeting has to be cut short, but I have to greet my younger brother."

"Oh. That's fine. I'm sure we can occupy ourselves." Kakashi answered.

"Mm." With that, Hikaru rose, and left the room. Izami sighed heavily as soon as he left the room.

"Just grin and bear it." Kakashi whispered, patting Izami's back as all three rose, and also left the room.


Sasuke, at that moment in time, was sitting in his favorite tea shoppe, drinking some tea, and reading one of his favorite books while he was relaxing in one of their chairs. Yes, he could have done this stuff at home, but he just wanted to be somewhere else where his mind wasn't tempted to call a certain girl. It was when he was starting to relax that his peace was interrupted by a certain blonde-haired, knuckle-headed, idiot ninja that he knew all too well.

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