Chapter 18

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After witnessing how Tsuna easily knocked his brother out, Iemitsu couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by his youngest son. He watched as his back disappeared from his sight and quickly went to his eldest son's aid he only saw a few bruises and a gash on his forehead.

Iemitsu carried his son and carried him back to his car with Reborn trailing behind them.

Tsuna watched from the distance at the retrieving form of his father together with the Spartan ass tutor and Lekatsu, leaving the training ground behind.

Be smirked and sat on the tree branch staring at the almost windy night sky.

Sighing as he closed his eyes, arms crossed against his chest listening to his surroundings, trees rustled in the wind he could hear someone landing on the same branch as he is.

" Carnivore " the figure said which earned him an one opened eye from the younger, he sat next to him and observed the serene look of the brunettes face.

"Kyoya" Tsuna greeted with a curt nod.

They stayed silence for a moment before Hibari let out his famous 'hn' language.

"Famiglia. Law" he said, the latter only nodded and stood up from his current position grabbing Hibari 's hands and teleported them back to the school ground.

" Stay here Kyoya " he commanded the older teen let out a grunt of dissatisfaction.

Tsuna left him and teleported back to the vendicare and saw Mokuro chained up he sat on the opposite direction trying to catch his breath.

He brought out his pills and drank 3 of them, Mokuro only stared in amusement and let his signature laugh out.

The latter rolled his eyes and opened another portal in order for him to finish his job already.

Sorry for the short chapter guys! It's already 1 in the morning here and my eyes couldn't stay wide any longer... goodnight and love u all

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