"STOP!" I heard a voice, but then realized that it was my own. "James, what do you think you're doing?!" I looked between the two of them, completely shocked.

"Rae, can't you see that he was trying to take advantage of you?" James shouted.

"I comforted her! I wasn't trying to hurt her, I would never be able to do that." Blake was rubbing his jaw gingerly and he wiped a trickle of blood from his split lip.

"Blake, shut up, you aren't helping!" I shot daggers at Blake and he looked away. "I know what being taken advantage looks like and that most definitely was not it," I shouted to James.

James opened his mouth to say something, but Blake spoke first.

"You aren't her boyfriend, Myers, so back off. You shouldn't worry about her the way you do. It seems like you're stalking her."

That earned him another punch from James, this one in the eye.

I looked at the two boys in astonishment, but turned around. There wasn't a point for me to try and make sense of them.

I heard my name being called out behind me but my anger prevented me from turning around to talk with them. All I wanted to do tonight was thank Blake for helping me. I never thought that James would find out and I really didn't think it would end up with spilled blood.

* * * * * *

I didn't talk to James for the rest of winter break, but the day that school started up again, he gave me a ride.

"I tried calling you on New Years." James glanced at me, but I kept my eyes on the road ahead. I heard him sigh. "Will you please tell me what was going on that night? You haven't spoken to me for the longest time. I miss you," James told me as he drove us to school.

I gave in. It was hard to say no to James when he looked like a lost puppy.

"Nothing. Nothing happened, James." I ran a hand through my hair. "When Blake was giving me rides, we kind of started a game of truth. He'd ask me any question, I'd ask him any question. The other had to answer truthfully." James was tightening his hands on the steering wheel.

"What does that have to do with you two hugging?"

"My story. I asked him about his adoption story, and he asked me about my past. About why I don't like bad boys."

James looked at me. "Why haven't you told me that story? You told Blake instead of me."

"Because you weren't there! You have been trying to hard to make sure that everything I have is perfect, you don't even realize why it's not in the first place! You've been trying so hard to get me to trust you, but you can't see why I don't trust people in the first place!" I don't know why those words came tumbling out, but they did.

James' knuckles were white as he squeezed the steering wheel in either anger or frustration or sadness. "I'm sorry, Rae. I'm so sorry. Tell me the story. Please."

"James, I don't want you to know! I'm sorry, but I've already told one person and look where that's got me." My pale hands were shaking and I closed my eyes.

James pulled over to the side of the road without warning. He unbuckled his seat belt and turned to face me.

"Rae. I'm always here. If I don't understand something about you, please help me understand. If I don't notice something, point it out to me. You can wake me up at whatever time you want. You can call me at whatever time you want. I want to be there for you whenever you need it. Please." The intensity in James' voice made me freeze.

"Okay," was all I could push out of my lips.

"Next time, don't go to Blake," he spat his brother's name out like it was poison. "Come to me and I'll help you." He grabbed my hand and didn't let go.

Falling for the Good Boy *Editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن