An Eye for a Prophecy

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     It didn't take long to coax Jerome into the taxi with the Grey Sisters. Richard mentioning the possibility of getting stabbed by a hobo brought him back pretty quickly. The five demigods managed to squeeze into the small space with a bit of difficulty. They'd given their destination to the three drivers, and then braced themselves for a nauseating ride.

      Richard had used some uncomfortable modes of transportation throughout the course of his life. Portkeys were awful, floo powder drove him crazy, and aparation made him feel sick. The only magical transportation he could use were brooms, and that was after mastering the art of not getting airsick. The Grey Sisters' taxi service didn't get used very often by demigods. There was a clear element of certain doom associated with it, though Richard liked to think of it like the Knight Bus. It didn't offer as much comfort, seeing as the Knight Bus and the Grey sister's taxi differed in both structure, and over all image.

     The Knight Bus was a rough ride, yes, but there was room to move around so it was easier to handle with multiple people in it. The driver was pleasant if not a little pushy when it came to kicking his passengers off, but that was it. Wasp, Tempest, and Anger on the other hand had been named very appropriately. There was constant bickering up front, and Richard was half tempted to yell for them to shut it already. He probably would've been booted from the vehicle in half of a spit second. That much road rash wasn't at all that appealing to him, even less so than the concept of death, so he kept his mouth shut and tried not to vomit.

     When the cab finally screeched to a halt, River was the first to jump out and bolt into the trees, a retching sound following we disappearance.

     "Avoid the left side bushes," Monica cautioned, stumbling out with Jerome crawling after her.

     "I should've taken my chance hitch-hiking with the hobos," he grumbled, collapsing on the grass.

     "We wish you would've," Camille muttered, taking Richard's hand as he helped her out of the taxi.

     "You okay, Cami?" He questioned, his stomach churning.

     "Fine. Just a little green." She smiled. "Your head a little cleared?"

     Richard sighed and nodded. "Clear enough to know I said some stuff very unlike me. How much would you like me to apologize for all that?"

     "Well you called me gorgeous. How mad can I get?"

Richard gave her a look, making her chuckle. "My perfect gentleman. Relax. I know it wasn't you." She stood on her tip toes and whacked him lightly in the forehead. "Stop thinking that's your doing."

     "Ow." Richard grumbled, rubbing the red spot on his forehead with a small smile.

     "Young love."


     "Absolutely revolting."

     Camille and Richard both rolled their eyes. "Always a pleasure, ladies."

     "Don't lie to us," Wasp chided, still facing straight ahead, "we know these things, Son of Nike, and we don't appreciate being told falsities."

     "Speak for yourself," Anger spoke up, also facing forward. "Some of us enjoy the occasional empty compliment."

     Tempest nodded. "It can do wonders for one's self esteem." She looked at the two demigods standing outside the cab with a one toothed smile, the single eyes gleaming innocently. "Besides, these two are cute together. I'll tolerate cheek from them."

Richard arched his eyebrow at Camille, who shrugged.

     "Shame they haven't got many cute moments left," Tempest continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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