Randy Fight//

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"Andy I swear of god If you don't go away now I'll punsh you on the face!!" Yelled Rye at him...I ran to the room when I heard the fight "I'm not going anywhere!" Andy yelled back...I ran between both "Stop!What the hell is happening!" I said ...They just ignored me and kept Fighting...
"Guys!" Yelled Mikey and Brooklyn pulling them away..."What's wrong?What's the problem?" Asked Mikey
"Andy is the fucking problem!" Said Rye
"I am not the problem!You are!" He said trying to hit him but Brooklyn stopped him
"Calm down!" Brook said....After a few minutes they calmed down...Rye looked angry for the last time Andy and walked away...Andy ignored him and went sleep..
What the hell happened?

The next day we all woke up early bc we were going to the gym...
"Ready guys?" I said to them..They said yes..
In the gym the fight started again...
"Can't you go anywhere else?I'm here" Said Andy as he wanted to the same exercise as Rye.."Why don't you go away?!Nobody wants you here!" He yelled at Andy
Andy inmediately stood up and punshed Rye on the face..."You ass***!!!" Said Rye and started to hit Andy
The other boys came as fast as they could and pulled them away
"Can you guys stop being so dumb?!!You guys are not little kids!Now tell me what the hell happened and why are you guys fighting since yesterday!!" I said loudly..
Rye was cleaning the blood of his mouth and  Andy sat on the floor ...."Nothing" they said..."Nothing?!!!" I said angrily "Tell us" I said...."It's because of you!!Happy now?!" Said Rye and walked away .....
Because of me?What?!
"What?"I asked confussed...Andy was looking at the floor and Rye was on the bathroom...I was so confused rn...what have I done?

When we arrived home I took Andy's and Rye's hands and went to the kitchen
I closed the door behind me and said
"We are not going out of here until you guys tell me what exactly happened and why is it my fault" I crossed my arms
They looked at each other for a second and Andy started to speak..."Both of us are in love with you"....My heart stopped for a moment and I realised what he said...
Both?In love?With me?WHAT
"Are you kidding me?" I said.."No"Rye said "And we fought bc we don't want to lose you...and I want "you" to be my girlfriend but so do Andy" He said..."And we can't be still fighting so you have to chose"
"Chose what?" I asked
"Andy or me?" He said and both looked at me...

What would you say?

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