Chapter 24

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Ethan's POV

My side, ugh I probably laid on it funny. I rolled over to get out of bed but my arms would not move. I opened my eyes and saw that I was not in my bed.

"Ahh, he is finally awake." I wasn't able to see who said that.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" It was Tyler.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well you see we have reports of you hiding players, and we found them. Sean, Signe, Amy and somehow Mark is alive. Since Tyler doesn't have a girlfriend to watch die, we choose you."

"How are you going to kill me?" I saw that my body wasn't tied down, but there was a tube in my arm.

"Well, we mixed some stuff together and found that it paralyzes you! This mixture lets you talk, The last batch didn't. Just imagine how Mark and Sean are going to be when see there is nothing for them to break! Tyler already hates it. Well, Sean should be used to this, once he was able to move again he killed my best doctor."

"Why are you doing this?" Tyler asked all I can move is my eyes.

"Because I can, who is going to stop me? "

"What is going to happen to everyone else?" I asked,

"Well the game will continue, So Tyler you have one chance to save Ethan. Where is Wade?"

"I don't know, I swear I am telling the truth. why would I lie?"

"Well, you lied before to me."

"Well, you didn't have a jar of fucking peanuts and peanut butter next to Ethan."

What? What else is next to me?

"See isn't this so much fun! Now be good and sit here I am going to play with Mark and Amy." He left the room.

"Ethan are you okay?"

"Tyler I am scared, what else is next to me?"

"A shit ton of peanut products, thank god he didn't open anything yet. How are your eyes? Are you itchy yet?"

"No, just scared shit less. This is how I am going to die, Stuck to a table forced to eat peanuts."

"No, Ethan please don't think like that. We will get you out of here. He has to let us go so we can use the bathroom. We will think of something."

"Why does my side hurt?"

"The grabbed us while we were sleeping, most likely you put up a fight."

"I don't remember anything?"

"I wasn't sleeping, They went into Amy's room first and I heard Mark yelling.Next thing I knew the door was kicked open. I knew it was over, they put me in the chair then put the tube in me. Once I wasn't able to move they brought you in and put you on the table. I asked them what happened and they just started to laugh. They put the tube in you and walked away."

"What is in this tube?"

"Beats the fuck out of me."

Mark's POV

"LEAVE HER ALONE." I tried to move but I wasn't able to, All I could do was watch and yell as he put the knife around Amy. "Why are you doing this?"

He put the knife back on the table and walked over to me, he got right in my face and said,

"Who is going to stop me? You can't. You can't save your girlfriend. I wonder what else I can do to her in front of you." He walked back over to her, "Open your eyes I have something I want to show you."

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