Chapter Eight

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(Changbin's pov)

We talked some more to get to know each other better, Jisung and Minho seemed to hit it off which was weird since they seemed pretty different but all in all we had fun, till Chan broke up our little party saying that we needed to finish recording our song

"You did remember to write your part, didn't you?" He asked me

"Of course I did!" I said indignantly, "you don't take me for someone who never does their work, do you!?"

"Changbin, I've known you for years," he started, "don't try and tell me you've never dumped your verse writing on me before when you were off trying to-"

At that I clamped my hand over his mouth before he could go off about me trying to woo a certain someone.

"That's not important right now" I stated a bit to fast, "what is important is finishing the song." To Felix I said, "I'll see you around to help you with your rapping"

"Thank you Hyung," he said with a smile as he left.

Nope, never gonna get over that.


(Felix's pov)

As I left the studio I couldn't help but think about how nice everyone's been to me, which makes me also wonder why, as I was lost in thought I almost didn't hear Minho when he said he had somewhere to be and that he would see me tomorrow.

"Ah, yeah, see you tomorrow hyung!" I called out right before I couldn't see him anymore.

Yeah not being alone is gonna be hard to get used to.

As I made it down to a lower floor I overheard singing in one of the rooms, whoever he was his voice sounded really calming and sweet, I listened for a bit longer before I moved on, to be honest I actually felt calmer after hearing him.

I got to a dance room still thinking about everyone I just met but not really thinking of why they would befriend me and more on who they are as people, one thing I couldn't really get over was how 3racha seemed to hang of each other and how clingy they were to each other, I mean I know there are cultural differences but it was still weird just how comfortable they all were together, I had several good guy friends back in Australia but there had to be a whole "no homo" ritual done before anyone so much as high fived.

Oh well, when in Rome.

A/N: So I'm back!! I'm gonna try to start updating this book more regularly now and also sorry for disappearing on y'all and leaving this book for dead, see you in the next chapter!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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