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Ever since I was six I learned to not trust anyone all it ever leads to is a broken heart and crushed dreams.


It was my first day of kindergarten. My long straight thin black hair was in two braided pigtails with a periwinkle blue ribbon on each of the ends. My mother had dressed me in a navy blue dress with light blue strips that went all the way down to my knees. A pair of black tap shoes with long white socks underneath. My dress supposedly was meant to make my honey brown eyes pop out more, and flatter my dark tanned skin. I hated it, and thought my mom had no taste. I felt I looked ridiculous, but my mom had made me wear it.

I ran down the stairs in search of my Father, never once walking. Grinning ear to ear because I woke up early enough to see him before he left for work.

Down the steps, through the kitchen, and  into the living room. He was sitting in a blue love seat that placed in the corner of the room. Looking at his face, my smile dropped. He was upset.

Confused I stopped to a walking pace. I stood directly in front of him. Looking at my fathers face up close.

I got my looks from my father, he had deep dark tan skin, warm honey brown eyes, with straight short thin black hair. The only thing different was that I was thin like my mother. My father had a strong and bulky build to him. My mother his opposite, had light pale skin, a dark almost black eye color, curly black short hair, and a slim frame.

"Remember the story I told you about the brave bear. How he stayed strong against the moon who envied and doubted him." He said in quiet tone.

"Yeah daddy! The moon knew brave bear was afraid of water. When the bear was sleeping next to his wife and babies. The mean moon."

"The moon is not mean, the moon was envious of him having a family and the moon was unable too." My father had corrected me.

"He is still mean." I grumbled. My father picked me up and placed me in his lap. Snuggling me close.

"The moon does wonderful things for us. It was long ago. We must not dwell on the war's of the past." He said gently, than continued, "Tell me the rest of the story."

"When the bear woke up he found a river between him and his family that the moon put there. The bear was scared of water but needed to protect his family, so even though he was scared of the water, he tried to swim anyway." I stopped.

"And?" My father prompted.

"He reached his family."

"Rayen, that's not what happened and you know it."

"My version is better though!"

"The brave bear drowned trying to do whatever he could to protect his family. I want you to remember to keep your family safe. Never give up no matter what, if you love something, or someone enough you will do anything for them."


And that was the last time I saw my father before he left my family.

Trust no one. Is all that story means to me now. Maybe the bear sacrifice was in vain, and pointless. Or maybe there's only sacrifice in love.

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