Ragini to sanskar:- some one said that i dont knew making dough also.

Sanskar:- i accepted my defeat.

Ragini:- thats like a good boy..
All finishes their dinner and taking rest in rooms..
All were unable to sleep by thinking their going to be encou ter with shekar in 2 days..

Ragini pov:-
What happening around me and remebers everything from the day she opened her eyes in hospital the way sameer and whole family took care of her in these 6 months.

How can i believe that they are not my family but they are my blood related ahh she holds her head and sits i am not understanding anything.

If i was his wife then sameer bhai and all behaved like they dont knew these people and bhai dont knew otherwise when i forgot past he would tried to remind me everything.
First of all who am i .
How my accident happened .
But where can i get sanskar wife photo.
Shall i try in store room.
Or shall i ask bhai no no he will feel bad ,shall i ask swara..

I am not understanding anything what happen with me did i got betrayed my by own people or not.

Bhai was talking about some shekar knew all truth . I have to lisen to him otherwise these people wont say anything.

And i have to act like nothing happened but bhai can identify my feeling by seeing my eyes…
I have to find photos in sanskar room and in store room.

First i will go to store room.
She goes towards store room by hiddening and finally closes foor .she checks every corner threw cell flash light and finds a big chest…
She touches it slowly opens and finds het wedding pictures ..
Ragini gets shocked by seeing those pictures and tears starts rolling from her eyes..

She find another small box opens it with shivering hands ans finds a small broken glass and a small torn cloth piece . She looks at it confusedly and closes it….

Closes chest and goes back her room ..

Next morning..

Sameer comes down to san lak swa and ashok pragati who were waiting.
Sameer:- sorry sorry i am late lets go.

Ashok:- haa but where is ragini.

Sameer:- she did not came. But she was not in room.
Just then they hears guitar string music and goes out and sees ragini striking..

Sameer:- what yar morning itself you sat with guitar lets go for a jog..

Sameer sees her lost .he feels weird while ashok to comes forward.

Sameer:- ragini and jerks her.

Ragini:- haa bhai.

Sameer:- where were you lost lets go for a walk.

Ragini:- no bhai i am not interested u all go i had slight headache.

Sameer :- what and touches her.
you had fever and you were sitting in cold and immediatedly lifts her.

Ragini:- bhai i am fine leave me.

Sameer:- shut up i knew whether you are fine or not..

He is taking her upstairs.

Dadaji:- what happen.
Sanskar who is coming back of them says..
She had fever dadajii thats why sameer is taking her to her room.

All rushes to her room.

Ragini:- i am fine bhai..

Sameer:- sanskar will you please call doctor.

Sanskar:- yaa

my heart is with you ragini (ragsan) Where stories live. Discover now