The Funny Foreigners-Ragnar Lothbrok

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Summary: This was requested by anonymous: 'Can you do a Ragnar request plz where ur a princess in England and he comes over with his army to England (rolla, flokia). He meets the king cause they're making an alliance, then him and his army meet the princess. He takes a liking to her because she's cheeky, likes riding her horse and sneaking off into the woods, and goes into the woods in secret to practice her shooting with her bow. Then the king and Ragnar make a deal that she has to marry him and she finds out when it's announced at the feast.' I hope you enjoy it!

Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
(Y/LN)= Your last name
(Y/F/N)= Your father's name

Warnings: None

A/N: I'm going to use quotation marks instead of speech marks when the characters are supposed to be speaking Old Norse.


I sat at the window in one of the towers of my family castle, looking out across the land. A huge army was heading our way though not to battle. Vikings were here in England now, raiding and claiming land. When I first heard of this, I was petrified; they were known for their victories in battles. But my family were lucky, we had a history with the pagans, a good one too. Hopefully that would be useful.

My great-grandfather befriended one of the vikings rulers, making an alliance. Since then we had relied on that to keep us safe from them but there seemed to be a problem now. I prayed everyday that my father would fix this.

The vikings were going to take the whole day to get here. Why waste the day watching them? Jumping from the window ledge, I made my way out of the castle and sneaked towards the stables. Along the way I watched my people, all of them looking nervous at the thought of Vikings coming to negotiate; we had forewarned them so that no fighting would commence. As I entered the stables, my horse made a noise of greeting, nudging my body with his head.

"Shh, father doesn't know I'm here, as usual." I whispered, starting to saddle him up. Under his blanket was my bow and some arrows, hidden from the rest of the world.

I had gotten so used to this now. Father didn't mind if I went out riding, as long as I had a chaperone. But that was so boring, how was I supposed to gallop through the forests and explore new parts with someone on my tail? Due to doing this most of the time, I knew how to get to the forest without anyone spotting me and once again I had achieved this. My horse was very strong, he was faster than all the others causing the wind to increase and make me feel like I was flying.

We stopped as I got deeper in, the training space our guards used coming into view. Smiling to myself, I hopped off, tied him up before cheerfully walking to the targets. From a young age I had always been interested in fighting though no one would show me. However whenever my uncle visited, he would sneak with me into the woods, going behind my father's back to train me; we could only cover archery though. Over the years I had improved immensely but no one would see that.

Just as I shot the first arrow near the bullseye, I heard crowds of people and horses. That must be the vikings. They travelled fast. Running towards the noise, I wanted to see if I could see them. Looking out, I could just about spot them coming over the hills. My heart started to beat faster with excitement. Although my father would not let me learn how to fight or go anywhere by myself, he taught me about the pagans, they were just fascinating.

Throughout training, I kept on checking the progress of the vikings and how close they were. When I decided that they were almost here, I made my way back, smiling the whole time. It turned out I underestimated the pagans as they were already there when I got back. Quickly climbing off my horse, I gave him to one of the stable boys before rushing to the front castle steps. Father, his courtiers, guards and the vikings were all there, everyone watching as I ran to them.

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