Chapter 2: Enchanted

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you?" She's replies

" um" I look back to my group of friends before turning back to her

"Yeah I am, I'm Justin by the way" I place me hand out in from of my gesturing for her to sake it

"Matilda" she tells me and sakes my hand.

Matilda, this lightly tanned blonde hair blue eyed girl is named Matilda. She turns and starts to walk looking back to me, I start to run to catch up to her.

"So are you competing in the state comp here?" I ask her

"Oh, no way, I'm not good enough" she half laughs back at me

"You should! Your defiantly good enough" I answer honestly, she is really really good! She smiles at my answer.

"So if your not here for the comp then what brings you here?"

"My family has a holiday place here, we come every summer and Easter, are you competing?"

"Yeah I am, I compete every year"

"Oh cool" she's replies and tucks her hair behind her ear.

We walk off the beach and head down the road.

"What are you staying?" I ask her out of curiosity

"Lanternson Street"

"I live on that street" I tell her. We continue to talk until we reach my house in the middle of the street.

"Well this is my place" I says as I start to walk towards the shed.

Matilda's POV

He not only does he live on my street but he live directly across the road from me in a beautiful two story white house with pale stained glasses fences on the balcony.

"I live here" I gesture towards our little house that now looks like a dump compared to his.

"Matilda hurry up, were going into town soon, you need to get ready!" I hear my mum call from the kitchen window.

"Well looks like I better go" I tell Justin

"See you around Matilda" he smiles at me and I turn and walk down the drive way, smiling at all that's happened already today.

when I walk inside I go straight into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I've washed me hair and finished showering I walk to my room opening my cupboard. Why do I bring so many cloths I have to much to choose from. After looking though nearly all my cloths I decide to wear pale blue dress, that crosses over the tip. It clings to my body before bushing out a little at the hips.

I walk over go my dresser and mirror, grabbing my blow dryer and plugging it in. I blow my hair dry and brush it. I choose to wear it straight today instead of in its natural waves. After straightening my hair I add a small layer of make up and pull my blue sandals on my feet.

After around an hour of shopping we head to my favourite place Berry Bliss. They make the best and I mean THE BEST berry smoothies there. As we walk down the street I see Justin walking towards us. He looks at me and smile before reaching for my hand and place a small not inside. Lucky my mum was a fast walker or she would have seen all this.

I open the folded paper reason the neatly hand written words.

"Meet me at the shed in my yard when you get home" I looked up to see him leaning against the wall of Berry Bliss. He nods towards the note and I shook my head in agreement, I smiled and waved before turning around and running back to my mum who was already in the shop.

When we get home I help mum unpack the shopping before slipping out the door and making my way to Justin's. I could already her the noise coming from inside the shed before I'd even crossed the road. I walked into the shed seeing Justin's nailing two pieces of wood together.

"What are you making?" I asked him making him up, he obviously didn't know I was here.

"Took your time, I didn't think you were coming"

"Ugh mum did more shopping than I thought she would" I told him. It was the truth my mum dragged my to nearly every shop in Harrton Bay, it made me realise how much I hated shopping.

We walked around the back of the house. He had a massive backyard with a pool and a spa. There was a really huge tree in the corner that as I trailed up to look towards the top I noticed a tree house made of wood in the tree.

"Omg, how did that even get up there!" I asked completely shocked that it could even get that high.

"Do you like it? I made it myself actually I have just making the window when you come over"

"You really made this? It's so good" I was really amazed by this tree house

"Yeah I'm making it for my little brother Michael, do you want to go up?" How could I pass this off

"Yes of course I do!" I was overly exited that I got to climb up this tree, I'm kind of a tomboy but my mum isn't to pleased about that she hates the idea of everything I do. She hates that I love to surf, she hates the way I dress I normally just wear stuff to please her, she hates that I love to work on the farm with dad, she hates practically everything I do. I felt kind of rebellious hanging out with Justin behind her back if she knew what I was doing right now I'm sure she would have driven my to my Nannies so she could keep an eye on me. But mum wasn't here and I am thankful.

"Are you coming up or not?" I'm interrupted by Justin's voice. I grip the ladder and begin to climb.

(Hey everyone, I hope you all like my story so far. I really appreciate everyone who as left nice comments you all make me smile. Anyway I will try to update regularly. I hope you like this chapter, and sorry if there is any spelling or gramma mistakes I'm not the best at English so my apologies)

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