Chapter 32

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--Niall's P.O.V--

She needed time to think. I could do that. I didn't want to, but I needed to. If I was ever going to get my girlfriend back, I had to let her think. I wasn't as upset anymore, now that I had seen her and talked to her, and she'd forgiven me.

But Harry, he was a different story all together. He refused to talk to anyone. I could tell he had been crying when he climbed out of the van at the hotel, but I didn't see, because the whole ride back, his head was hanging down, and I couldn't see his face. His shoulders shook the tiniest bit. When we arrived back at the hotel, he went to his room, and shut the door. He wouldn't let anyone in, which upset Louis, and he ended up rooming with me.

I hoped Cayley came around soon. We only had 6 days left of our vacation, and I wanted things to be fixed before we went back, so I could take her with me. And for Harry's sake, I hoped Nikki would forgive him. All there was to do was sit and wait.

--Cayley's P.O.V--

I layed in Nikki's bed that night, wide awake, while she lay fast asleep in the floor next to me. She always insisted I sleep in the bed even after I protested. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking. About Niall. I had forgiven him. What else was there to do? What did I need to think about. I wanted to be with him. I looked over at Nikki, making sure she was still asleep, and then grabbed my phone from her nightstand.

Cayley: I know you're probably not awake right now. So, you can just reply in the morning when you wake up. But, I thought about it, and I've decided we should meet up somewhere. I'm going home tomorrow after I leave Nikki's. Just text me if you want to go somewhere.

I read over the message, and hit send. I knew one thing for sure, I couldn't tell Nikki. She would freak out. I don't know if she knows I forgave him. If she does, she didn't say anything, but she would definitely have a fit if she found out I was going out with him. Nikki was already mad at me for throwing the ice cream out the window, and she would get so much madder if she knew what I was going to do. I wasn't going to lie to her, I would just say I was busy if she texted me asking me to hang out. That wouldn't be a lie.

That is if he agreed. If he didn't then I guess I was free.


The next morning, I woke up, before Nikki, of course. I looked over at her, and laughed. She was upside down on the pallet she had made in the floor. The cover was tangled around her feet, and her pillow was on top of her face. One arm was across the pillow, and the other was holding tightly to a stuffed penguin.

I thought it best not to disturb her, seeing as the last time I woke her up she threw an alarm clock at my head. I got up, from the other side of the bed, and grabbed a pair of jeans, and a ninja shirt that said 'I got this' on it. I brushed my hair, and then put my shoes on before grabbing my bag. I stopped to take a picture of Nikki, and then sent it to her phone.

Cayley: Sorry I left without waking you. But you looked so comfortable. Love you, Sis.

I laughed as I looked at the picture, and hit send. I would post that on facebook later. I walked out her bedroom door, my mom was waiting for me in the driveway. I tossed my bags in the back seat, and hopped in the front seat. She drove us to our house, and I got out, and went to my room.

I took a quick shower, and sat down on my bed. I left my hair alone, letting it dry into it's normal curly do. I walked into the kitchen, leaving my phone laying on my bed. I grabbed a green apple, and a bottle of water from the fridge, and hopped up on the counter. I bit into it, juice running down my fingers. I wiped them off on a napkin, and continued enjoying my apple. It was just now about 10 o'clock.

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