218 10 2

Date: April 8, 2018
Word count: 880

Your pov:

Why?!...... couldn't I feel my face I kept thinking over and over again non stop ...... I felt a hand covering my eyes another hand holding my wrist I kept blinking trying to think what was happening and why was my lips so numb I started to get flustered so my body got super hot and then I noticed what was happening I cried tears into his Palm when .....

"Tch...... ouch!!! My lip my lip it ughhhhhh....... AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!??????" I yell nervously while backing away from him..... " Oliver kissed me" I whispered to myself all confused and flustered but yet a bit angry cause he has a girlfriend

Oliver's pov
I came back from outside after the talk with Sebastian and cooling down a bit I heard Sebastian say I'm sorry I thought he was talking to me so I obviously looked up but he wasn't..... I walked a few steps behind him and saw y/n about to leave with all her stuff in her hand she couldn't have been serious about this could she that's impossible I kept trying to make myself believe it was all a lie till I seen her about to step a foot out the door ...........
I ran towards her past Sebastian and what went through my head in that moment was I don't want her to leave I wanna be with her forever and I don't ever want to let her go I don't wanna lose her again to another person because...............
I LOVE HER !!!!!!!!! But I'm not sure if it is as a friend or something more 🙁

I grab her wrist turned her around covered her eyes with my other hand and kissed her I could feel her eyelashes on my palm moving up and down like crazy then her forehead started to get hot and more tears started to fall from her eyes into my hand so I bit her lip really hard she back up away from this kiss very fast once I did

"Tch....ouch!!! My lip my lip it ugh..... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!???????"she yelled so nervously

She then mumbled something but I couldn't hear her as i looked at her I noticed her face get really red and how she was flustered and blushing I thought it was really cute it made me want to kiss her again

"I wish i could tell u" I mumble to my self silently with a smirk 😏
Just maybe just maybe she is the one

Your POV

I mumbled something I could tell just by they way he was looking at me that he said something back I wondered what it was to but at that moment when I said Oliver kissed me I noticed that Oliver's girlfriend was behind me watching it all .......ohhhhhh noooooo!!!!!!

F/n pov

I was going to go see Oliver after getting ready for the day to surprise him I haven't seen him in a while and I wanted to see him I couldn't stand being away from him but today was his free day so I was going to surprise him with some Talkis and myself as I head over there I here some stuff going on I like yell I could tell it was Oliver and y/n fighting which was weird cause they never do not like I care anyway how could I she is just a stupid brat and I will never lose Oliver to her

I was getting closer to the house I was About to go open the door once I reached it but the someone else open it I got scared so I hid behind the wall where they couldn't see me I heard Sebastian and Kiana talking the last word I heard was I'm sorry Then I seen Kiana about to step outside with all her stuff pack I was very happy that such a hoe would finally leave my sweet honey alone for once

I was about to step in front of her but when I got away from the wall and stepped in front of the door I saw Oliver MY BOYFRIEND AND Y/n KISSING !!!!!!?????
He had one hand holding her wrist the other covering her eyes
I cold see the whole motion of from him running to turning her around and touching her lips with his her faced turned red and she started to cry I thought she would haves kissed him back but she didn't she back up fast when Oliver bit her lip she sounded nervous when she said it hurt but she also sounded mad in anger to be honest when I thought about them kissing I wasn't hurt that much at all I was just hurt that he could do that while dating me .....

She backed up and I was now behind her I guess Oliver couldn't notice me because I am shorter then y/n but yet I'm older I just stood there in shock then when I heard her say Oliver kissed me I got angry how she can say it like if it didn't mean anything

"Hey" she turned around and .......


I kinda wonder what choices you will make in the future let's find out 😇😇

Next chapter: "why!?"

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