So Long, and Good Night

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Avery steps into the room and just... stops. Like a deer in headlights. She suddenly looks at me, then my hand, holding Lindsey's. I clear my throat and try to smile, "Avery, come sit down". 

She looks terrified as she inches towards me, and Lindsey chuckles, "I won't bite, sweety". She blinks at this, then sits down in the chair next to me. "So, Avery, is it? It's a nice name. How old are you?" Linds asks.


W-what? This woman is in a fucking hopital bed, and she's asking me how old I am? I guess that means her injuries aren't too serious, which is good, "I'm thirteen". She studies me for a second, then looks at Gee, "Well I can't blame you for adopting her. She's so sweet!". What the fuck? I literally said two words, how can she come to a decision that quickly? "Th-thanks?" I stammer in response.

She smiles at me, "so... I talked to Gerard, and I'm gonna be moving back in! I missed Bandit, and I want to get to know you!" 

"um... okay." I'm not too sure what else to say, so I just sit there awkwardly. She looks at me, then at my clothes. 

"First and foremost, though, as soon as I get out of here, we're taking a trip to Hot Topic... and maybe Spencer's. " I look down at my clothes. Do they really look that old? I decide to ask,

"Why? I like my clothes." She smiles, kindly, 

"I do, too. I'm not saying you have to throw them all away, but I want to take you shopping, because, by the looks of it," she pointedly glances at my worn jeans, " you haven't gotten any new clothes in a while. If you don't want to, that's fine, I just thought it would be a nice thing to do while we get to know each other." I smile at her. It actually sounds wonderful to go look at clothes, it's just...

"Sorry, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just... I'm not used to people liking my... style, I guess you could call it. Everyone at the orphanage hated me for it." Linds- or I guess Mom- gives me a sad smile, then Bandit skips around the bed, looking up at me with those adorable brown eyes, and almost melts my heart when she says,

"How could anyone hate you?"


anywho sorry for the short update, but I promised I'd get one out, and I didn't have much time, and all of these are excuses because I have writer's block, so... yeah.



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(I'm sorry @duhsneezingpanduh and @GEEsusIsMyBoiiiplease don't kill me)

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