Chapter 6-Ashflame & Dappleblaze (Chapter Combined)

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Ashflame growled as Dustclaw put his tail over Dappleblaze's back and guided her back to camp. How dare that arrogant tom take her sister's heart. Of course, Ashflame didn't like Dappleblaze but, Dustclaw was a terrible mate! Ashflame slipped out of the bushes and followed after them, keeping as silent as possible. As they went into camp, Ashflame caught a quick mouse and followed them. She wanted it to look like she had just been hunting.

Dustclaw and Dappleblaze were sitting on the other side of the clearing, sharing a pigeon. Ashflame narrowed her eyes angrily then began to eat her mouse, on the opposite side. 


Dappleblaze had moved into the nursery a few moons ago, expecting a litter of kits. The nursery was crowded with Amberdawn and Duskfur also expecting. Amberdawn had turned even more grumpy than usual due to her heavy pregnancy. 

"Dappleblaze? Do you need anymore moss?" Dustclaw poked his head inside. 

"I wouldn't mind some more." Amberdawn meowed as Dappleblaze shook her head. 

"I wasn't asking you." Dustclaw replied with a glare then retreated out of the nursery. 

"Rude young cats. In my day, younger cats knew how to respect a queen." Amberdawn growled angrily. 

"I didn't expect you to ever have kits at this age, Amberdawn." Duskfur meowed with amusement. 

"Well, I wanted to have some kits before retiring to the elders den." Amberdawn responded self-consciously. 

"Well, you'll have plenty of apprentices to take care of you!" Duskfur snorted in reply. 


Dappleblaze gazed down at the kits frisking around her paws. Runningkit was a pure white she-cat with stunning sea-gray eyes. She was the leader of the kits, bossy.  Cypresskit was a light brown tabby tom with green eyes. He followed Runningkit around, almost like her sidekick. Sprucekit was a dark brown she-cat with eerie black eyes. She was the smallest of the litter and was often teased by her siblings for her size and appearance. 

But, the older kits, Duskfur and Amberdawn's litter were kind and friendly towards Sprucekit. Amberdawn had one single kit, Spiderkit. He was a black tom with blue eyes and long legs. Duskfur had two kits, Elmkit and Lightkit. Elmkit was also a black tom but with green eyes and a short, stubby tail. Lightkit was a creamy cat with brown splotches over her eyes, ears, tailtip and paws. 

Dappleblaze swept Runningkit, Cypresskit and Sprucekit closer with a sweep of her tail. She didn't even care that her own siblings or parents didn't like her. She was tall and strong, now, yet her family were determined to hate her for something. Now, she had Dustclaw and her kits. She'd finally gotten what she wanted. Happiness and love. 

"Come, now, kits. Let's go out into the sunshine!" Dappleblaze led them out in the bright sun. It was hot, but not too hot. Runningkit and Cypresskit play-fought with Elmkit and Lightkit a few paces away. Duskfur watched them from beside Dappleblaze. Spiderkit, though, played moss-ball with Sprucekit. 

Dappleblaze narrowed her eyes at the long-legged kit. Spiderkit didn't deserve Sprucekit's friendship at all. Yes, he was a nice tom, but Dappleblaze was the one who wanted love. Spiderkit got plenty of that from Amberdawn and Ravenshade!

"Sprucekit! Come and play moss-ball with me!" Dappleblaze called at the small runt. 

"I'm playing with Spiderkit. We can play after!" Sprucekit called back, still pawing the ball of moss. 

"Sprucekit? Can I talk to you?" Dappleblaze asked, a hint of warning in her mew. 

"Okay, Mommy!" Sprucekit followed Dappleblaze out the dirtplace tunnel. 

"Sprucekit, darling, Spiderkit is a very bad and naughty little kit. You must stay away from him. You must play with Mommy instead." Dappleblaze growled threateningly. 

"But, Spiderkit's nice!" Sprucekit mewed, tipping her head to the side. 

"No, he isn't. You have to stay away from him. Mommy knows best!" Dappleblaze's voice rose then dropped to a whisper. A whisper that held death and danger. 

"Ok-okay, Mommy." Sprucekit stuttered, backing away slowly. 

"Good girl. Now let's go back to the nursery." Dappleblaze followed after her daughter, a silent voice in her head laughing at her victory. 

Warriors: Special Edition, Bloodtail's Wrathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें