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Totally forgot to update, I'm currently in Vietnam and have been very busy! Enjoy :)

The next day I headed to school as usual meeting with Annie, Dani and Luke before heading to our lessons. I was currently in Ap English where our assignment was to write a poem about what our heart desires, I had been struggling to write it for a while until it all just flowed through me.
'Those blue ice eyes of mine,
Light the darkness in time,
I dream of the days to hear your voice,
To listen to your heartbeat be the only noise,
Your hair is long, skin tender warm,
She protects me with shelter, safe from the storm,
My life has been hell, one day I'll share
Please sit with me, I know you care"
That's all I got to before my sheet was ripped out of my hands. It was Alice. Shit. She started reading it out. "This is so cringey, she protects me..ugh fucking dyke". After reading it out to the whole class, I had stayed silent. "Can't you just like die already I don't wanna catch your dyke germs".

Tears rolled from my eyes before I took a glimpse at Elodie. For she had listened to it all, but she wasn't looking at me she had already pounded Alice in the face. I gasped. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE". The teacher demanded. He separated the two before making them sit back in their own seats and grabbed the paper out Alice's hand. "Who wrote this". I didn't know what to do, why would he want to know that. "I did sir" I raised my hand keeping my head down. "Stay after class, as for you both, you have detention after school today".

"But sirrr I have practice" Alice whined. "Well, you should have thought about that before getting in a fight". Nobody said a word in fear they would get in more trouble. I kept my head down and didn't glance at Elodie once, why did she bother to get involved? She's just made the situation 10x worse. The bell rang and I stayed behind whilst everyone left and he closed the door. "Right, I want you to tell me what happened and why this note seems to be involved". I was very hesitant at first as he was so intimidating. "Your not in trouble I just want to get to the bottom of this".

However I answer this will get me in trouble, I don't want Elodie taking the blame for this no matter what. But Alice was going to come after me if I dobbed her in. "That's not a note Sir, it was my assignment". He nodded his head intently. "Carry on" he ushered. "Alice ripped it out of my hand and read it out to the whole class and called me horrific names, Elodie was just protecting me". I looked back down at my fingers, fidgeting with them. He looked to be in thought as to what to do next. "Right, I see how it is, what names did she call you?". I screwed my face up tightly. "I don't want to repeat them". Tears left my face again. "I have to report this, I'm sorry but I need to know," he said sternly. "She called me a dyke and told me that I should just die so no one could catch my dyke germs". He looked to be in shock now I had spoken and hadn't realised how bad the situation was.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your parents in, and the principal, I'm very sorry that you had to go through that". I just nodded and cried, he then moved to grab me a tissue which I thanked him for. There were moments I didn't think he was going to believe me. "I'm going to take you to the office, you can stay there for the rest of the day whilst we sort the matter out". I proceeded to follow him down the corridor it was a good job everyone was in lessons and I didn't have to face them.

Lunch and the last periods had flown by, I finished all of my homework which was great but now I was bored just tapping the desk.
The door burst open revealing Clarissa. "Oh, honey are you okay?" She threw her arms around me and mothered me. "I'm okay thank you, have you see Elodie?" Her eyes softened. "You are so selfless do you know that? She's given a statement and is on her way home now". Clarissa held out her hand to me, taking my bag and carrying it, she was a gem. The teacher walked into inform us of what was going to happen. "So as you are aware and under the circumstances, Alice has been suspended pending investigation but I suspect with her past record she will be expelled". Wow, this was serious, but as long as I didn't have to deal with her that's great. "What about the girls she hangs around with, I don't want them coming after her?". She said worryingly. "I understand your doubts, but they won't be a problem, Alice has always been the ring leader controlling them, but they have their own sets of friends they go back to when she isn't here"

"if anything changes please ring me personally" she spoke. "That's no problem is there anything else?" Clarissa shook her head and we both left together as everyone else was already at home.
I was just worried about Elodie and if she had got into any trouble for standing up for me.
"Megan you can talk to me if there's anything wrong I am here," Clarissa said. I just smiled leaning my head against the car door. As soon as we arrived back I went straight to my room, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I needed to thank Elodie for what she did but I was afraid.

I walked downstairs to dinner. "'Megan I missed you" Jessica tackled me with a big hug. "I missed you too". I muttered. We sat down together but noticed that Elodie was absent from the table. Anthony walked in to see an empty seat. "Where is she?" We all knew who he was talking about. He stormed out of the room obviously to go and get her and we all sat in silence. She walked in angrily I could tell. She didn't want to be here, but he obviously felt it was important. "Right I just want to start with what happened today, was by no means acceptable, I want to make myself clear I do not condone violence and if anyone else has their teacher ringing me there will be consequences". Well, he was harsh, but I understood where he was coming from. We proceeded to eat our dinner, Jessica and Chrissy spoke the most, they were younger and didn't really understand.

I walked out to do the dishes as usual with the staff, Clarissa grabbed my arm and pulled me into the office. "I just want to double check your okay because I know Elodie is a wuss and also to give you this". She went into her drawer and pulled out my poem. I almost wanted to incinerate it but I meant it all. "Thank you" I mumbled. "I hope one day you will give that to the person you wrote it about and finish it because it's a beautiful poem". I blushed madly.

The night ended and that week past like a blip. Alice was expelled so I didn't have to deal with her but Elodie and I hadn't spoken since everything, it was getting me down and people were beginning to notice.

The weekend was here.

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