|Nick| Dance with me

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I danced with my friends after my date ditched me for another girl the day before and now he's here with her. After the song went off a slow song came on as I sat down as my friends went to dance with their dates

I sat there as I seen a hand reach out to me as I looked up to see Nick there with a smile

"Looks like our dates ditched us and I really wanted to dance with you the entire night so–Can I have this dance?"He said formally as I giggled slightly

"Yes you may"I said with a smile as I stood up and we made our way through the crowd as we started dancing as I would look at nick smiling as he smiled back at me

As we danced he would whisper little cute but corny jokes that would make me lightly laugh

"You know that guy missed out on someone so beautiful and amazing"He whispered to me

"You know that girl missed out on someone funny, fine and just all around amazing"I said with a smile as I could've sworn I saw a slight blush on his face when he smiled

"You know how I know that he regrets ditching you?"He said

"How?"I asked curious

"He keeps sneaking glances over here watching you dance with me not paying any attention to his date barely whatsoever"He said

"Where?"I asked amused

"He's on the left close to the corner"He whispered

I looked around seen him sneaking few glances as he seen me he would lightly throw a smile my way as I hid my face as I held on to nick as I lightly laughed I think he really knew he messed up and made a dumb choice

It didn't matter Anyways I have nick and he made my night a thousand times better

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