Irene Adler? pt. 3

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Hey guys im SoOooOoOoOoOOOoOoOOOOOoooOo (changeble) sorry that I haven't updated lately -sobs becuase reasons-


Oh and, we are almost done with "I'm a Consulting Criminal"

woah what do you mean? Welllllll, I'm starting to plan a second book for this called "Still the addict" so no worries! (I better stop talking now and write xD) Thank you all again and please enjoy the story :)

After you fall out of the window, you start to run. You started to run as fast as you could, towards his house. The house that you haven't called home in ages. You missed him. When you reached a crowded street you pulled Sherlocks coat collar up and walked with your head down. That was until you reached a door. The door. You reached your hand to knock at the door. It took excatly 3 minutes and 21 seconds for the house keeper to open the door, you counted. She didn't notice you with your "Irene Adler" makeup on, but she let you in anyway.

You walked through the doors and ran up the stairs and sat in his flat. Not Moriartys, but Sherlocks.

You waited roughly an hour before you fell alseep on his couch. You waked up in Sherlocks bed and walked out of his room very quickly. Your hair was down and in a mess so you touched up the makeup and pretended to take a shower.

When you finally finished you walked out to see John and Sherlock staring at you, once again sherlock tried to duduce you, and once again he was failing.

You walked over and sat in Sherlocks chair. As he started to guess the passcode to your phone. He got it wrong, you laughed "Why don't give it up Sherly?" you say trying to get into his head. He glares at you with pure hatrid and to be honest, you were hurt. You knew that he didn't know who you were, but you almost missed the days where you woud follow them around on cases, and the time Sherlock tried to teach you to duduce people (key word: tried).

~A few days later~

It had been 3 months and 17 days since you have seen Jim. You missed him, but feared e didn't miss you...

You were now sitting in a room with Mycroft and Sherlock. You gave Mycroft a list of demands and hoped that he would sign the lousy paper. But, right before he could, Sherlock spoke up and said a long speah about how your eyes dilated and he guessed your phone code correctly.

You started to "cry" and said "I wont last a week." and you could see the pain in Sherlocks eyes, Sherock had grown to love you again. And it was time to leave, again. You walked out of the room and called Moriarty's driver. He picked you up right as you walked outside and he took you home.

You still had Sherlocks coat from the first day he gave it to you, you were wearing it now. In the car you started to take off the mask, the wig, along with most of the make-up.

When you finally pulled up your home, you stood there before knocking. Your hands started to shake as you raised your fist to knock. After you finally gained the courage to knock you stood and waited. He didn't answer the door, he never does, he cant risk it. He has a new house keeper since you left. You walked in and ran up the stairs and into the flat. You pratically slamed the door open and when you did you saw him on the couch.

His dead eyes looked up at you with excitment as he said in his lovely sing-song voice "I had a doctor who marathon while you were away."

You started to laugh and you ran to him tackle-hugging him in the process. "So" he said very amused "did you miss me?"

You just nodded and said "Of course I did"

You two spent the entire night talking about Doctor Who and how everything went. He made, your favorite, hot chocolate and you two fell asleep on the couch.

You missed this.

You missed it more then ever.

But there was one thing that caught your eye before you fell asleep that night.

There was a lone sticky note on the fridge that said "The Fall."

And that worried you.

















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