Chapter 1

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"Emma, your going to be late for school is you don't hurry up." My dad called from downstairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."I said rushing down the stairs.

"There's toast and a cup of coffee on the table." He pointed towards it.

"Thanks." As you noticed I'm Emma White, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I'm a junior at Grant High. I live with my dad my mom left us when i was 12 and i haven't seen her since.

"I'm done." We then got into his truck.

"Dad when is my car going to be done?" I crashed my car a couple weeks ago, because some moron ran a red light.

"Once you get the money to fix it." We weren't rich nor poor just in the middle. My dad always taught me to work for what i wanted.

"Please, it wasn't even my fault." I begged.

"I will think about, we are here."

We did our hand shake before i got out. My dad and I have done this practically my whole life.

"Later dad."

"Later sweetie." I watched him leave before walking into the doors of my high school. There was a few flyers about the homecoming dance coming up.

"You noticed them." My best friend Asher pointed.

"Ya, but I'm not gonna go, you?" I then opened my locker and grabbed my history book.

"Ya I'm asking Libby." Ugh Libby, school slut she's also the captain of the cheerleadering squad.

"Don't make that face, she really nice once you get to meet her." He tried to reason.

"Ha ya real nice I bet." I scoffed.

He then threw his arm around me.

"You have to give her a chance."

"Whatever you say, well see you 3rd period." He pecked my cheek and i walked into my class.

Asher Turner is my best friend since like we were 3. We hang out all the time when he isn't partying or at football practice. Ash is like the schools "hottie". Girls are constantly after him, he's a dork to me. I'm not gonna deny he good looking , but I don't see him like that. He has messy dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.

"Hey Emma, has Asher asked anyone to the dance?" Some random girl from my history class whispered.

"Umm...I don't know why don't you ask him." That was normal girls always asking me about him and what he's doing. History was slow today.

Ding ding ding

Finally history is over now science. It's like i have the worst schedule.

"Hey Emma." Sarah walked up to me. She was actually the only girl who talked to me for me and not Asher.

"Hey what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, but did to do the science homework?" Crap I forgot too.

"No I totally forgot." Oh well do it tomorrow.

Science was just as bad and i wanted to see Ash already. He always in a good mood.

Ding Ding Ding

"Em how I missed you." Ash hugged me tightly.

"I...missed you too." I said unsure of what was going on.

"Okay thanks, this one girl wouldn't leave me alone even when i lied about having a girlfriend." That is a lie Asher has never had a girlfriend, hook ups ya girlfriends no.

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