Jezel Agrabah

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Jezel’s Pov (age 5)

Hi. My name is Jezel Agrabah. I’m 5 years old and live in Agrabah. Ironic right how my last name is the place where I live. My family is poor well what’s left of my family. My mom died  after my baby brother was born and our house burned down a few years ago and the smoke left my dad ill to this day. My poor baby brother Azal helped me steal, trade, and with the ok education I gave him I taught him more of the basics and a little something extra....a bit of magic a blue genie would teach me in my dreams. My father well bless his soul left the house in search for a job but never came home word on the street he died. Now Im an orpahan with a baby brother. Now let’s get to present day Agrabah. 

I a 7 year old girl  was currently running through the market place of Agrabah with my best friend Jamal the son of the King of Thieves(that huge guy from the Aladdin movie) we had both stole some things and got in trouble with the palace guards. 

“Aza look out!” Jamal yelled at me as I ducked my head and did a back spin dodging a sword from one of the guards. Then out of instinct I formed a small ball of light and threw it at the guard and it sent him flying back. Finally I noticed Azal in the hands of an angry merchant about to slap him. I yelled at Jamal to run and as he did he kicked the merchant in the balls dropping Azal as i caught him. Me and the boys ran all the way ‘home’ and we dropped down in a ‘hole’ (a sewer) and we walked to a lit section of the hallway. I used my magic and lit up a beautiful styled home with many doors and a nice couch to sit on with a table of our findings. I then fell on my floor and I groaned in annoyance. 

“Azal what did you do!” I yelled at my pale faced little brother. I then noticed he started to cry. Oh no. “I didn’t mean it Azal I’m sorry” I said as I grabbed him and sat him on my lap and I cradled him humming our favorite song. Jamal left saying good bye and I put Azal to bed. I then walked down the hallway to my room and I went to my vanity and took off my shoes and put them next to my vanity. I then fell asleep.


”Wake up. Wake up. Aza wake up its time to train” a voice said as I got up and noticed I was no longer in my room but in a dark room lit by a glowing blue figure. A genie. The same genie that has visited me in my sleep since a baby. The same genie that has taught me about my magic. “Hi Genie!” I said getting up running to him. “Hi kiddo how’s it been I heard word on the street you got in trouble again” Genie asked, “ just like Al”. I had a confused expression he talks about his friend Al that is a street rat but made it into a better life but I have no clue who he is. “Oh, yeah just a little accident with the guards” I said with a slight smile. “And then u got mad at Azal?” Genie asked. “Yeah but it was an accident” I said feeling guilty. “ Hey don’t be sad your basically the protector of Agrabah so let’s get to practice” Genie said as I started to smile. After a while practice was over and Genie left and I felt myself wake up.

~End of dream~ 

I woke up got dressed and I went to the market with Azal still asleep. As I made my way down the market stealing here and there I noticed a baby tiger cub being chased by kids with knives little runts. I then started to run after them yelling for them to stop. I was then corned with faint meows coming behind me and injured baby cub. “You shouldn’t have followed us a voice said as I touched the cub”. I turned around “excuse me? Oh YOU shouldn’t have hurt her “. I fired back as a ball of fire and light formed in my hand and I aimed at them throwing it at there feet. I took that chance to grab the cub and disappear. I then went to my ‘home’ and found Azal eating breakfast. “Yo Ima help her heal and then teach you something’s ok?” I told Azal and he nodded. I took the cub to my room and laid her down on the bed as I bandaged her up then I fed her some meat I had stolen. “I’m going to name you Safir” I said as she purred rubbing on my arm. I guess she likes the name.

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