#22 Tuesday Morning "Help Found"

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Dripping wet Lacey entered the Split Bean. She'd woken later than she liked to make the morning shift and in her haste she had neglected to check the weather report. Five minutes into her walk from Marie's apartment it began to rain.

Lacey sprinted the rest of the way, but it was no use. She was absolutely drenched.

She'd been so quick to leave that she hadn't had time to say goodbye to Marie. The coffee eyed girl was nowhere to be found when she woke and Lacey assumed she was getting a head start on office work.

No Matter Lacey had thought as she raced through the rain. She'd see her tonight. Maybe she could cook dinner, surely there was something simple she could work out.

A deconstructed Ramen noodles?

Lacey had been laughing to herself as she set out in search of towels when a figure caught her off guard.

There sitting in at the corner table sat the coffee eyed girl. The sleeves of her auburn turtleneck tucked along her palms as she cradled a tea cup. A wide grin plastered on her face.

Lacey neared the table forgetting her quest for a towel as she left a trail of wet footprints.

"Forget something?" Marie jested referring to Lacey's soaked appearance. Her crooked tooth poking around her top lip. Marie must've beat the rain as her perfectly dry hair was bunched into a bun at the top of her head. A few waves falling from the knot, framing her soft face.

Lacey ignored the question. "What are you doing here?"

"Well hello to you to." Marie sank back in her chair. Her hands reached out gesturing to the shop. "It's your last day, I thought we'd celebrate."

Lacey sputtered as she wrapped her mind around the statement. "What?"

"Have you checked your email yet?" Marie shook her head making a tsking sound with her tongue. "It's 8am Lace you've got to get in the practice of checking your email more often or you simply won't make it in the editing world."

Lacey's jaw dropped to the floor.

"How do you - when did -"

"I ran into Mrs. Meyers on my way out to grab some office supplies." Marie shrugged the corner of her mouth pulling upwards. "She looks forward to seeing you."

Lacey was speechless.

This was it. What she'd been planning toward for the last five years. Yet somehow, it felt different than she'd imagined. Excited, yes. Proud, check. Accomplishment, sure. But something else was added to the mixture.

Something she wasn't able to identify until Marie wrapped her arms around Lacey.

Love. Admiration. Appreciate. Happiness. Hope.

Things Lacey had never put much weight in. But here they were, overtaking her pride and ego.

She'd been through a hell of a year. And somehow, she'd come out the other end. Scars and bruises had faded, but hadn't been forgotten. Lacey was exactly who she saw in her reflection.

And what she saw, mixed with her own features were those of the people who'd supported her. Her college professors, her family, Tanya, and yes, Marie.

Feeling rose back into her extremities and she wrapped Marie tightly in a hug. The two stood there, intertwined in each other. The shape of love. 

The End 

I hope you all found this story as comforting as I felt whilst writing it.  As I said in the beginning, this is the first story in an un-chronological/related series that draws from my favorite tunes as inspiration. As of late I have had little time to write, but hopefully I'll begin on another tale soon. 

Best to you all xo

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