Chapter One: How to be a Saytr

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Three gunshots.
One monster.
All missed.
Comit ran and ran from the hunters, she would not let herself be taken to scientists.
As Comit ran, she past back to her realm. Calmly, she walked, catching her breath. "Comit, Comit!!" A small fae ran at her, flushing with happiness.
"Yo, Chirps, what's goin' on?"
The small Fae, clamed to be called 'Chirps", Bursted with giggles, floating up to see the Saytr's face.
"Hooow was earth? Is it as good as the god's say!?" Comit set out a sigh.
"I almost got Killed."
Chirps went dead silent. Comit past by him and continued walking. She looked down, showing no interest.
"Aww, no cute guys?" Chirps was, well, gay. And as for Comit, well she was in love with Chirps.
"Some. I guess." She hung her head lower, let out one tear and ran, faster and faster, she ran.
And then,
she met him.
"Oh! Feœn! My bad"
The God claimed 'Feœn' just looked at her and let out a smile. He bent down and gently pet the saytr's curly blonde hair.
"Why how is it going, young satyr?" He let out a pure giggle. "How are your studies? Have you gotten far in 'Retorics and therics'?"
Comit stopped.
She had left it back at earth. "Oh, I lost it..."
Feœn only laughed and took off his backpack, he grabbed the book and gave it to her. "Good thing I got a copy, right?"
Comit smiled. "Thank you sir."
Feœn bent down, moved Comit's bangs out of the way, and kissed her forehead gently.
"You'll make a great goddess, I just know you will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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