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A few weeks had passed, I had rarely seen Elodie, she would join us for something to eat on occasion but other than that she kept to herself. It was very strange how they all acted with her I just didn't understand. It was only a week until the summer was going to be over and Clarissa and Anthony asked us to stay with them and that they wanted to enroll us into school, since Chrissy and Mark go too. I couldn't wrap my head around the generosity of them and even tried to leave but they insisted. I was worried about having to make new friends, what If they didn't like me or I struggled, so many thoughts in my head. It turned out Elodie and I was in the same year but I didn't know if she attended the same school, she was just so elusive and mysterious. 

Jessica was so excited beyond belief it was all she could talk about, in the day time we would be left alone whilst Chrissy and Anthony otherwise known and Mr. and Mrs. Summerton.
Elodie Summerton. The girl who plagued my life right now. At least I could now change my bedroom around, they even bought us some of our own things to make our rooms feel more homely. I owed them so much. Jessica had changed her bedding to flowers, meanwhile, I had decided to have a deep purple color which was much more grown up. I mostly left everything how it was, except now I had books in my room, things to color with and my own clothes. They had been so lovely and are always respectful about our past, we told them only the need to know details, it was too painful to talk about that they kept it a secret from there children too, it was our decision if we ever wanted to share that with them.

Today it was raining and we were all in the games room together, apart from Elodie of course. I had become close to Mark and Chrissy, we played games together, laughed and told jokes, it was never a dull moment and took away the pain of everything that had happened. Sometimes I would ask questions about Elodie but there was never much of a reply and today was no different.
"What shall we play now?" Chrissy beamed.
"How about hide and seek?" Jessica proclaimed.
"I'm up for that, we need rules though," I said.
"Yeah like no going outside or in Mum and dads room". Mark replied.
"And definitely do not go in Elodie's room she would kill us". Chrissy laughed. "Okay I'll count first Chrissy said again. After a few games I was trying to think of somewhere good to hide. I sprinted for the library, opening the door so fast and running behind a bookcase, peeking around the corner to see if they had followed.
"Uh-hmm" I heard a cough, turning around Elodie was sat on the floor with an amused look on her face. "Were playing hide and seek shh". She just shook her head. It had been about 10 minutes and I still hadn't been found so I decided to pick a book from the bookshelf and start reading it. I realized I was sat opposite Elodie in silence reading a book, so was she. "Why don't you hang out with us" I wasn't sure if that was a question or a statement. At least it broke the awkward silence. Elodie looked up from her book, "just leave me be" she firmly said before getting up and walking out. Just great. I eventually went back to the games room to find them all sat down not even looking for me.
"Did you guys give up, you just left me".I pretended to be shocked. "We figured you were with Elodie and let you be". Mark mumbled whilst playing his video game. "I don't understand". I spoke softly. "She doesn't seem to mind you and that's good for her, just like what Mum had said". They always seemed to baffle me. "Don't question it Meg, they don't question us". My sister hugged my side and I just shrugged my shoulders.

Dinner time had come and we all sat at the table Elodie included. Her blonde hair was down and flowing, whilst she wore a loose top not showing too much and some jeans, she looked so pretty. She sat quietly and ate her food whilst the others did most of the talking, I watched her pretty much most of the time, she was very fascinating and I wanted to know more. I felt a nudge. "Your being obvious sweetie". Clarissa had caught me and whispered so nobody else heard. I turned bright red, Elodie must have seen the movement out of the corner of her eye as she looked up and our eyes met. I felt lost in time and I didn't know how to stop it, I was worried her mum would get mad, so I just looked anywhere but the blue-eyed girl for the rest of dinner. Little did Megan know Elodie had been stealing glances to which Clarissa knowingly smirked at, she was just happy that her daughter was coming back to them, slowly but surely and it was all thanks to this girl.

The last few days had passed and now it was the morning of school, I was very scared and anxious. Clarissa drove us all apart from Elodie which I figured was because she went elsewhere or didn't go. They took us to the office to get our schedule mine was a mix I had Math followed by science and AP English. They had found out our grades from when we went to school before and tested us, they thought I had no problem with taking AP English but I'm worried it will be too much for me. Clarissa assured me she would help me as much as possible. I only took the core subjects I needed to as I didn't want to be overwhelmed, so of course, I had gym and a couple of other subjects. I was taken to my first class by another student who wasn't very welcoming, I didn't even get there name and ended up sitting right at the front, I was sure this wasn't going to get me in the good books with people but as long as I wasn't bullied I didn't care. "Hi I'm Annie," a brown-haired girl said to me with a big grin on her face. "It's nice to meet you
I'm Megan". I replied. "Let me see your schedule and I'll see if we have any other classes together". She seemed very polite and kind within the first few minutes of talking to her. Turned out we have most of our classes together and she was going to walk me to them, I was very grateful, it reminds me that there is in good in the world no matter how insignificant it means. Our class had started and the teacher was great I had learned a lot in that first lesson, he had introduced me to the class which was embarrassing but I got on with it.
After that ended we had science which flew by and before we knew it, it was lunch. Annie led me to the cafeteria line to get some food. "I'm just going to go and get a table seeing as I don't buy lunch come and find me". I nodded and said okay and carried on waiting. "Hey gorgeous, haven't seen you around here before". A blonde guy waltzed in front of me, arrogant and cocky is what I wanted to name him. It might have worked on other girls but not me. "That's because I'm new". I blandly said. "well if you need a tour, I can show you all sorts". I screwed my face up and walked past him collecting my lunch. "See you around pretty eyes" he winked at me before walking away. I soon found Annie and sat down she was with her group of friends which she introduced me too. "So here is Dani and Luke and this is Megan". Dani had black hair, brown eyes and was very hipster meanwhile Luke looked gentle with light brown hair and blue eyes, nothing like Elodie's, why am I comparing them. His style was sleeker and that of a boy band. "So you were chatting to Chase in the line, did he ask you out?" Dani enquired. "Who?" I asked. "You know hot guy looks like Justin Bieber" Luke said. "Ew not that sleazeball". I replied. "Well, either there is something wrong with you or you are gay". I didn't hear the last part because Elodie just walked through the cafeteria doors, she was beautiful. Dressed in black ripped jeans and a denim jacket I looked up and down. "Oh I see, that makes sense now, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed she doesn't date". I finally took my eyes off her and faced the group again. "What are you on about?" I tried to act dumb. "Elodie Summerton, very pretty, probably the one of the most popular girls in school but a total bitch". Why did it hurt so much to hear Annie say those things about her when I knew there was a softer side.

I turned back around to see Elodie with what looked to be her friends smiling and talking to them. She was a completely different person, she was looking around for someone and our eyes met. I saw the ice blue eyes, boring in mine, it was like we was holding a staring contest until her friend nudged her and she looked away. I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Do you know her or something" Dani said. "Something like that" I sighed. Lunch was over and I had AP English alone but luckily my new friends kindly walked me to my classroom a little early so I didn't get lost.

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