School Brings Bad News

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"This formula created in the 70s is one of the most important in the field of financial theory. It is used to calculate the of European style options and is widely used by option marketers, though there are some discrepancies that are now corrected with the modern view point." Said Mrs. Phillip.

I looked ahead pretending that I was paying attention, but I don't care about this class. My dad forced me and my younger sister, Mika, to do it because we were founders granddaughters of 'Anderson's Family Toys'. Dad was expecting us, mostly me, to right after high school, help grandpa with the company. Besides, I only get A's in this class is because I read the chapter before we actually learn it. I memorize things fast. I sometimes help my sister with studying. Mika was looking out the window not paying attention but frankly neither was I.

"Mika Anderson" said Mrs. Phillip. She said our first and last names so we don't get confused.

"Um..Yes, Mam?" Replied Mika

" Would you care to name the equation on the black board."

"The Black-Scholes model formula."

" Very good as always Mika Anderson." 

Suzu, one of our friends, turned around and said to Mika "Kick ass, girl."

Naomi , another one of our friends, from behind said " She means 'Good Job'" 

I then said to Mika "Nice job little sis"

"Thanks Jenna." Replied Mika

"Ms Cappini" said Mrs. Phillips to Suzu

"Oy" replied Suzu

"Care to tell me who the creators of this formula were?"

"Um..some guys named Black and Scholes?"

"Fisher Black and Myron Scholes." Me and Naomi said at the same time.

"Very good Jenna Anderson, Ms. Patterson."

"Show off's"

"Better luck next time, Suzu. Be like us and study once in a while." Said Naomi

"Come on Naomi, people do different things to study she just hasn't found her right way to study" I said to Naomi as she turned her attention up front. I turned around as well and Suzu mouthed out 'Thank you' to me. I smiled and nodded at Suzu in return.

Mrs. Phillips then announced to the class "That's the end of today's lecture, Now , lets separate into our groups and work on your projects. Remember, everything is due on Monday. Go on, now."

Me, Suzu, Naomi, and Mika all moved our desk so they would be touching. We always worked together as much as possible. Like a four leaf clover. We sometimes call ourselves the four musketeers.We were basically finished with our project besides a few finishing touches. When we started our project I asked Mrs. Phillips if I could create a 3D model of the factory. She approved and said it would be extra credit for our group. I finished it last night. I just had to make sure that it wouldn't get ruined. All that was left was the finishing touches on the poster. Straight away Naomi looked at it a made sure we had everything.

"Alright, lets see. We finished the budgeting section, the building leasing, and the cost for labor. What else do we need?" Asked Naomi. Suzu looked at the poster and her face brightened up almost immediately.

"What about a name for the company?"

"Did we seriously forget about that?" Asked Naomi

I replied" Yeah, we usually do because you like to just go straight into the numbers and such but to be fair doing the numbers are ... kinda fun."

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