It made me want to strangle him, my fingers itchy to watch him turn fücking blue until my business phone starting ringing in my pocket and halted my fictional thoughts turning into reality.

It didn't stop me from glaring holes into the side of Alex's face whilst he took his own phone call, my fingers pulling out my phone as I sighed at Aaron's name on the screen before I accepted the call.

"What do you want?"

"You're such a joy to be around," Aaron sighed, my lips pursing when I went to reply but silenced myself when I realised he was right. "Anyways, I tried calling Aria but she won't pick her phone up."

"That's probably because she's high as a kite," I muttered, inhaling sharply and clearing my throat when I switched the phone to the other ear and ignored the visual of her that was in my mind.

"Oh, so she used my present," Aaron mused out loud, his name warningly leaving my mouth which prompted him to shut up and tell me what he wanted. "Okay, well, I found some dirt on the guys that attacked you."

"We already found out where they were from, I sorted that out in Sicily," I told him, hearing him oh as he registered my words. "They're not bound by blood to the Sabella's which means that they were just petty accomplices trying to get revenge."

"Yeah, well didn't you expect that considering I'm sure it's pretty impossible to kill an entire bloodline?" he asked casually, his tone making me sit straighter as I laughed humourlessly and spoke.

"In two months I killed more people than there are days in the year, do you really think it's impossible?"

At my words Aaron stuttered on his uhh and then huffed, the sound making me hum before he muttered something about Aria that I didn't catch.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, just that Aria was right yet again," his words made me narrow my eyes, the thought of her and her body playing on my mind as I ran my tongue over my top teeth and spoke.

"And what she was she right about?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask her," he said simply, giving me no chance to question him again when he told me that he was going to CC me into the emails and then said for me to have fun with Aria.

I was until the wine betrayed us both, I thought bitterly in my head, feeling the familiar ache in the bottom half of my body before Alex called me. I looked up to him as I stuffed my phone into my pocket and stood up, his eyebrows furrowing at the scowl that was probably on my face before he spoke up.

"You okay?"

"Fine. Never felt better," I replied, walking past him and not sparing him a glance when I caught sight of the corner of a pamphlet poking from the inside of his jacket. I kept walking down the corridor, my eyes scanning my surroundings as I raised an eyebrow at the group of nurses who were watching me walk past.

They were huddled in a group before they turned when I signed myself out of reception, my eyes looking up at them before I heard one of them whisper that's one of Jeremy's sons, the words making me stiffen.

The insensitivity I had in my own life suddenly dissipated within seconds, my stare at them all soon turning into a glare when I put their words into context and didn't bother looking at them again as I walked out of the reception area and towards the lifts.

Alex joined me then, the both of us silent apart from his fingers tapping against his screen as I entered the open lift with him and pressed the ground floor button, my eyes watching the silver doors close before I sighed and rubbed my eyes with my fingers.

Deal • REWRITE • BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now