"Exactly, now it makes sense" Hermione said sitting down.

"What does?" Harry asked

"Well think about it?, doesn't Time seem so calm about McGonagal shouting at her?, if that was any of us, we'd be sobbing, but Time, unmoved and answered back perfectly as if she couldn't care less, like a sibling argument, she not intimidated by McGonagal, Time just see's her big sister"

They all pondered the thought for a moment.

"So you said earlier Potter, that your Godfather, nor anyone for that matter, mentioned her?" Draco asked Harry. Who nodded in answer.

"Same goes for you right, your parents ever speak about her?"

"Well no, not Time, just someone named Tia, but this was during my childhood, I can hardly remember it, I only can remember the tiny pieces because of the birds she sent, big extravagant birds"

"Like Sirius" Harry said with a small smile.

"Yes, how can't they remember her?" Pansy asked.

Draco, then thought something himself. Thanking merlin he did decide to read that book from Hermione.

"The Time Keeper" He muttered.

"Oh not you too?" Hermione scoffed.

"No listen, the Time Keeper, it's a occupation were no can remember you from your past, no one knows you at all, it's all an act" Draco stated, trying to remember the best he could.

Hermione remembered something of a certain Ravenclaw said,

"the Time Keeper is a ancient being, more of a job really, supposedly there hasn't been one in centuries but my dad believes there has been, he says it's really sad 'cause they have to oblivate their families, no one remembers them, very lonely people"

"Maybe she's not looking for the Time Keeper" Hermione said to them all.

"Maybe she is the Time Keeper" Harry ended.

"Can't really give her subtle points, Professor Time?, it's like she's begging to be discovered" Ron scoffed. They all stared at him.

"It's like she's begging to be discovered" Harry repeated.

"She wants to be found, but why?, with all that power she could change the world, if she's unhappy can't she just, change?" Pansy asked,

"She's lonely, she knows the world, but she not part of it, it's why she's so upset, it's why she's so rebelious, she wants us to know, to be found out, something I know about Time Travel, is you can't change it at a whim, there has so be some great reason, she can't go about saving the ones who are supposed to die, Sirius, Remus, James, Lilly, Snape even Dumbledore, she couldn't save one because she knew they had to die" Hermione answered.

"Does oblivation end if the person who's been oblivated dies?" Draco asked.

"Well, maybe, if they're dead they can't remember anything, why?" Hermione asked.

"I know this sounds stupid, of course they can't remember if they're dead, but what if they're not in a way" Draco looked to them all. "What if, we could talk to them?"

"You want to talk to the dead?" Pansy asked.

"No, I want to talk to a dead man, who's very much alive in a portrait" He looked to them with a smirk.

"Who?" Harry asked, thinking of Dumbledore, though he was never much help when it came to information.

"Your old favourite Professor Potty, Snape, he's in a portriat, in his old office" Draco answered.

"How did you-"

"A letter, someone sent me a letter during term, telling me to go to Snape's old office, I went and there he was, nothing more, though saying as such now, looking at the handwriting" He lifted the letter he was reading-"I believe I know exactly who sent it, Horatia McGonagal"

"You want to talk to Snape?" Pansy asked.

"It's our best option, she knew him rather well, they were in the same year, the same classes, the same house, if he's lost the oblivation, then he'll remember her, if she is the Time Keeper, he'll know anything else we need to know, he can tell us, she mentioned him in her letters, she's been kind to him and he might even know about her reletionship with Sirius, who knows what he can tell us" Harry answered.

"So it's settled, we go see Snape tonight after dinner" Hermione declared.

"Now there's a thing I never thought I'd do" Ron said with wide eyes.

"This will be certainly interesting" Draco said with a smirk.

Time looked from her office, seeing the group on the hill with her box. Her plan had worked, it was only a matter of perfectly made time, soon, everything will be revealed and her suffering will end.

Remeber to always, vote and leave a comment I would love to hear your opinion and of course follow my brother, @joshy43 he helped devolp and even write some of the chapter and he's an awesome writer please check out his books!- If you want more Harry Potter, give me a follow because I update frequently and write multiple books!-thanks for reading-Morgan x

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