Not being fed properly made Makoto much lighter than she was before. She turns her head as she hears footsteps approaching them. Annie must have noticed and quickly got the both of them out of there. While leaving, guards let out shocked gasps and panicked shouts. 

She doesn't stop till they reach a quiet area in town. Once she releases her grip, Makoto slides down onto the ground and sighs. "Stay here," Annie tells her and left. Makoto is too tired to resist and her body is aching from her wounds that were inflicted on her. Soon, Annie comes back with a towel, fresh clothes, and bandages. 

Makoto looks at her, clearly not trusting her but Annie didn't seem to care as she begins to use the towel to clean the wounds despite Makoto's complaints.

She wraps her wounds up in bandages and hands her the clothes. "Get changed," She says and leaves once again. Makoto begins to change into clothes she was handed. By the time she was done, Annie comes back with a sack and tosses it to her. Inside are a canteen of water and several loaves of bread, cheese, and meat. 

Makoto begins to wolf down the food as Annie quietly stands to the side. "It's not safe here you know. Not for you at least." She says. 

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" She growls, her mouth full of food. 

"Get to the other side of the wall. Go into the forest. You have powers, don't you? Use that to keep you safe. I'll help you get to the wall." She says.

Makoto looks at her in silence before sighing then nodding in agreement.

Once she finishes her food, Annie takes her to the wall and got them to the other side by using the 3D maneuver gear. "Head towards the forest, they won't look for you there." She tells Makoto. She nods at her as Makoto looks around and luckily there aren't any titans at the moment. "You might find some stranded horses in the forest since no one would ever retrieve them back," Annie tells her. 

Makoto nods before facing Annie one last time. "Thanks," she says to her.  

Annie gives her a small nod before hooking onto the wall. She gives Makoto one last glance before reeling herself back up the wall and disappearing from her sight. Makoto faces the forest and begins to walk. Makoto isn't safe behind the walls anymore. Not when everyone's going to look for her. They just want to take her back and use her as an experiment. They can't risk losing their third test subject after two of them were killed. Makoto can't let them catch her and use her as a lab rat again.


"You understand your mission, don't you? You're the only one who's able to bring her back." Erwin says strictly. "She disobeyed us and killed our test subjects. Not only that but she ruined our chance of understanding titans." Levi says calmly. 

The girl stands there, listening to them as they explain everything. "Your job is to retrieve the girl in any way, even if you have to kill her! She ran away due to simple punishments and now she must be taken to court!" The priest shouts. 

The girl isn't sure about why the priest was here but she stays silent anyways. "Anyways, ignore him. But understand, you must get her back here. She's needed to help us with our so-called experiment." Erwin says. 

Hanji comes in with a neatly folded uniform with a hat and places it on the desk. She gives the girl a sorrowful and guilty look. All Hanji wants to do was tell someone, anyone, what was truly going on. "Please change into the uniform we have provided you," Erwin says and gestures to the uniform.

The girl nods and takes the uniform and is led to another room to change. Once the girl left, Hanji faces Erwin and Levi and says, "We can't do this! The both of them don't deserve this! We shouldn't have done this in the first place!" Levi sighs and shakes his head, "It doesn't matter Four Eyes. It's not our decision. We don't like this as much as you do. But crazy priest over here is in charge of this whole thing remember?" The priest smirks causing Hanji to grit her teeth angrily and clutch her fists. "But the girl?! You had to bring her into this?!" She shouts.

"She's the only one who can bring back that demon!! She's the only one she still trusts!" The priest snarls. The girl returns a few minutes later in the uniform while wearing the hat. 

"Good. Now you know the plan. We'll send you off with a group of Scouts and a horse of your own. But the group will have to drop you off at the edge of the forest so they can't interfere with the plan." Erwin explains.

The girl nods and Erwin stands from his seat. 

"The plan is now your responsibility. You must retrieve back Makoto Ichijo at any cost. Good luck with the rescue mission, Kyouko Ichijo." 

Kyouko nods and dips the hat that's hiding her wolf ears. She leaves the room, walking towards the horse stables. "Don't worry Makoto. I'll get you back here and we can be safe together. I'm gonna complete this rescue mission and then you'll see that they're not as bad as you think." Kyouko says to herself, oblivious to what her mission was truly about and what had really happened to her older sister behind her back.

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