Chapter 18

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I woke up to a slight pain in my leg. Opening my eyes, I found that we had moved again. This time we were in a cave, high up overlooking a long river and a huge forest. I had no idea where we were. I had lost all sense of direction since Akumu started jumping from location to location. I sat up and looked at my leg. The rag I had used to bandage up my wound was covered in dirt and dried blood. I carefully unwrapped it and was dismayed to find that the wound had opened up again. All of this moving around had prevented my leg from healing properly. I could barely move it. Anytime Akumu wanted to move quickly, he would fly me away somewhere. I ripped off another part of my robe and wrapped my leg in the new fresh bandage. Blood was already starting to show through again by the time I finished. I felt weak. Akumu never bothered to feed me, so I usually grabbed something from the bushes as he forced me through the woods. I checked my pockets and found some berries that I had picked yesterday. Akumu didn't seem to be around. 

"Probably out keeping an eye on Inuyasha," I thought. When Akumu had taken off with me, he had been delighted at his head start on Inuyasha.  

"Inuyasha will not find us for quite some time. I will visit him once in awhile to taunt him and give him false hope. But he will never find you Kagome," he had said to me. Then one day after taunting Inuyasha, he came back to our hiding place, covered in blood. "That cursed half-breed!!!" he screamed at me and then hit me. I landed hard on some rocks and busted up my face. It was still sore even today. Ever since that night, Akumu had been watching his back and moving us every night or every other night. I remember one night hearing Miroku's and Sango's voices in the distance. Akumu said that if I made a noise, he would kill me. Later that night after Akumu had drifted off to sleep, I heard Inuyasha's voice not far off. Akumu woke up suddenly and whisked me off before Inuyasha could find us. I knew Inuyasha was tracking my scent. With all of this fresh blood from my wound every time it reopened, I knew Inuyasha could catch a whiff of it. 

I sighed and sat looking out in the open. I couldn't escape. My leg was too badly injured for me to get far enough away before Akumu found me. And I had no arrows. Akumu had seen to that, pitching my bow and arrows in the forest. A noise sounded outside the cave and in ran Akumu. He was panting heavily. 

"Your friends are strong my dear," he said coming up to me and grabbing my robe. He lifted me up and breathed heavily into my face. "But they won't kill me until they find you," he laughed. He threw me across the cave and I screamed as my leg hit the rocky cave wall. "No sounds out of you!!!" he yelled. He came over to me and pulled me up. "We are leaving. They are too close." 

"Inuyasha!" I thought as he walked me over to the entrance of the cave. I needed to fight for myself, to get Inuyasha's attention before Akumu took me away again. I grabbed the wrap off my leg and took a deep breath. "INUYASHA!!!!!!!!"

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