Happy Birthday X Reader

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A/N: It's my birthday so I'm going to be selfish and write a birthday themed fanfiction with some of my favorite characters, some jokes I've made over the years, and some references to other fandoms. Hey, and you guys can read this when it's your birthday. Whoop whoop, I'm hella ooooolldddd. Now that I think about it, birthdays are weird because it's like: "good job not dying," but I'm not going to think that much into it because it's blowing my mind. Anyways this is just kind of a funny x Reader, nothing serious. So enjoy!

Narrators POV:

"Do you have the cake, Momjolf?" Rune asks as he holds a quill and a piece of paper with a sloppily written check list on it.

Brynjolf runs a hand through the stray hairs that came out of his man bun and let's out an annoyed sigh. "Rune, for the last time: don't call me Momjolf, young man! And yes I have the cake, and I gave it to that weird jester, Cicero."

"Good." Rune nods as he puts a check next to the note that simply said "cake."

"I still don't understand why we couldn't have the party for Y/N here." Brynjolf whines. "Winterhold's college is so far from here."

"I don't know anyone who wants a birthday party in a sewer." Vex butts in.

"Literally no one asked." Brynjolf says as he puts his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.

"Fine. Momjolf." Vex says sarcastically, and furrows her brows.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Be nice you two!" Rune says frantically.

"Huh." Delvin shrugs, "it's nice for her to be yelling at someone besides me for once."

"Oh, do you miss it, because on your last job you left behind a big, muddy, footprint Mr. Master of Stealth." Vex growls, and Delvin cowers behind a large tankard of mead.

"Oh speaking of Delvin!" Rune says as he turns towards Delvin, "you remember you need to get Marcurio before you leave for Winterhold, yes?"

"What?- I mean, pssshhh, yeah I remember." Delvin says as he gives a fake smile.

"Okay, maybe I'll set Sapphire for that task..." Rune mutters and puts an x over Delvins name and writes Sapphire.

"Why specifically Winterhold, though?" Brynjolf butts into the conversation again.

"It's big, and-" Rune begins to explain but it cut off by Delvin.

"That's what she said." He says triumphantly, then stops smiling once he notices Vex's glare.

"Anyways, it's big enough for many people to fit into-" Rune starts again, but is untimely interrupted by Delvin again.

"That's what she said!" Delvin shouts, then falls into a laughing fit.

"Can you stop?" Brynjolf sighs, already stressed out enough as it is because he is soooooo busy all of the time.

"Well, stop making it so easy for me!"

"Fine!" Rune yells, finally at the last straw. "It is at Winterhold because there is this Eye of Magnus magic thingy that this Thalmor guy named Ancano is going to be swinging on."

Everyone is quiet for a moment then laughs. "So like a stripper?" Delvin asks betweens laughs.

"I hope not!" Rune blushes and laughs.

"You know, I'm not going to question it anymore." Brynjolf sighs as he walks away to his desk.


"-and you're swinging from the Eye of Magnus?" J'zargo asks as he rubs his temples.

Ancano flips his hair and motions towards the Eye of Magnus floating behind him. "Is there a problem?"

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