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~Sirius POV~

I walk up to the school and make a b-line for Remus' tree.

I see Snape on top of moony and start sprinting toward him.

"MOONY!" I shout.

I run over to Snape and pull him off of Remus. He looks awful. He has a black eye, busted lip and u cut on his cheek. I pick Remus up as he passes out. I look down at Snape.

"You fucking lay one more finger on him and I will make sure you never show your face in this school again and end up in the damn hospital. Now fucking scram before this gets ugly"
I stomp my foot at him and he runs.

I carry Remus to the nurse and she takes him immediately. She makes me wait in the office. I sit there. Biting my nails and shifting in my seat for 10 minutes before she comes back out, looking grave.

She sits down next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Is... Is he okay?" I whisper

"Sirius, I don't know. His injuries are too bad for me to take care of. We're going to have to send him to the hospital. And before you ask, yes you can go too, just call your parents first."

"Umm... I'm actually staying with him right now so I might as well call his mom and kill two birds with one stone"

"Alright, tell me when you're done and we'll get you ready to go okay?"

"Alright" I take out my phone and dial remus' moms number


"Hey Mrs. Lupin"

"What's going on sirius?"

"Well, I stayed with James last night and when Remus was waiting for me at his tree Snape attacked him, his injuries are too much for the nurse to handle and they're sending him to the hospital. They said I can go if its okay with you."

"Of course you can go sweetie, I'll meet you there"

"Thanks Mrs Lupin"

"Of course"

I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. When I walk into the nurse's office the first thing I see is my boyfriend, passed out on a bed. I walk to him and take his hand.

"I'll fucking murder him" I mutter under my breath

The nurse walks in with a medic beside her. "Sirius, do you need someone else to go with you?"

"No, I'll be okay, his mom is meeting us there."

"Alright hon, I'll tell your teachers you won't be there today"

"If you could, tell James Potter where I am? He'll worry"

"Of course"

I follow the medic out to an ambulance. He puts Remus in and I climb in after. I sit next to my boyfriend and take his hand in mine. Tears are welling up in my eyes.

"Please.... Please, moony I love you"
I bring his hand up and kiss it, refusing to let the tears out.

When we get in the hospital I see remus' mom and walk over to her. When she sees me she tackles me into a hug. When she pulls away I can see that she's crying.

"Is he gonna be okay?" She asks. I pull her into another hug and let her cry into my chest.

"I hope so. He's a strong boy"

I hold her in my embrace until she calms down.

She sees the tears in my eyes and cups my cheek in her palm.

"Sweetie are you alright?"

I wipe my eyes "yeah, I'll be okay"

She pulls me into another hug "it's okay sweetheart, you can cry" I put my head on top of hers and let out my tears, soft sobs making me shake. She just rubs my back and let's me cry. When I calm down I pull away.

"That felt good. Why did that feel good?" I say

"When you bottle up all of your emotions, eventually you just have to cry"

After a while a doctor come out and calls: "Hope Lupin?" We both stand up

She walks over to us and starts talking "Remus has a cracked rib and a broken nose, a minor concussion, the cut on his cheek was deep but it won't leave a scar, there is bad bruising on his ribs and face. Oh and he keeps mumbleing someone's name it think in his sleep"

"What's he saying?" Hope asks

"Sirius" She answers

I look up a bit "that's me, I'm his boyfriend" I say sheepishly

"He's asleep, but you can come see him if you want to" I turn to hope. Giving her a questioning look.

"You can go hun, but I have to go home. Lily will be home in a while and I have some errands" I hug her and follow the nurse to a small room with a bed in it.

"He should be waking up soon" The nurse whispered as she walked out.

I walk over to moony and sit down. I take his hand in mine and kiss it softly.

"I love you moony, we haven't even been together for a month and I feel like you know me better than anyone. Like I can tell you everything. Like I'm falling in love with you. I've had relationships before but you, you make me feel warm and fuzzy, like soft. I just want to hold you in my arms and tell you that every thing is gonna be okay. I want to be there for you and you to be there for me. I'm so sorry Snape did this. I love you moony"

I talk softly and quietly, so I don't wake him up. I don't like expressing my emotions. My parents beat it into me that emotions are weak and to keep them inside. That was the first time I have cried and actually talked about my feelings openly in a very long time.

I feel him grip my hand and I look up.

"Padfoot?" Remus mumbles

"Yeah Re?"

"I love you too"

I can't take I anymore. I lead up and kiss him carefully, so I don't hurt him. After I pull away I sit back down, still holding his hand.

"You scared the hell out of me" I say quietly

"Not my fault snake's a dickhead" Remus sasses at me "but I'm sorry you were scared, as long as I can help it, I'm not going anywhere, for a long long time. Well, unless you're there too" Remus move his hand up to touch my cheek. "I love you, so much" He whispers.

I nuzzle his hand in an attempt at affection. My parents also taught me that affection didn't exist and that love wasn't real. I'm realizing now that the only reason I didn't think love was real is because no one ever really showed me any. Remus though, soft, sweet, gentle, Remus, he makes me want to feel.

"I love you too moony"

The Star And The Moon: wolfstar Muggle AUWhere stories live. Discover now