"The principal will see you now. "

The girl nodded at the woman before walking into the principals office. The decor looked old fashioned. Possibly vintage. The dark furniture contrasted with the light wallpaper and white curtains.

In the middle of the room, was a big oak desk behind which, sat Midtown High's principal. His smile was welcoming.

As Olivia walked up to the desk, the principal stood up and outstretched his hand, for Olivia to shake.

"Good morning. You must be the young miss Stark. " Olivia shook his hand before responding.

"I'm sorry, but I don't go by the name Stark. I go by my birth name which is Hale. "

"Of course. My apologies Miss Hale. " He gestured towards the seat directly in front of him, and flickered through some papers.

"My name is principal Morita and I'm thrilled to have you here. You're cleverness proceeds you Miss Hale. Outstanding performance in your entrance examaminations prove that point. Top marks in your chemistry paper as well as biology and physics. Look's like we have a scientistic. So, is science something you would like to do in our school? You seem to have covered all of the topics that we won't be covering until the start of the new year. "

"I'm sure sir. I really enjoy science. Mr Stark's ... friend, taught me most of the things that I know, and by taking these courses, I could pay tribute to him since he dissappeared almost three years ago." Olivia hung her had low remembering about Bruce. The principal cleared his throat, making the young girl look up.

"That's settled then, but, do you have any other subjects you would like to attend? From whatI can see in your file, you seem really good with technology. Maybe that is something you would like to consider doing?" Livi nodded.

"Yes that would be amazing, thank you. "

"Anything else? Any clubs you would like to join? We have an amazing decathlon team, an outstanding music and theatre club. We do also have a school newspaper if you're interested?"

"Thank you, but It is my first day and I don't think I would feel comfortable in any clubs at the moment. " The principal nodded understandingly.

"I understand. But if you change your mind, I'll include the timetable of the clubs with your schedule. Now, if you do not mind Miss Hale, I have an important call to make. The receptionist should be able to print out your schedule and give you your locker key. Have a nice day. "

"Thank you, you too. "

She stepped out of the office, and into the reception area. The older woman from before smiled at her and handed her a folded piece of paper.

"This is your schedule and inside of it, is your locker key. Number 1185. Principal Morita had one of our students show you to your classes. She should be here any second. "

As if on cue, the sound of a knock erupted in the room. A girl with curly dark hair and black clothes walked into the broom.

"Ah Miss Hale. Meet Miss Jones. Sh e will show you to your first class. "

Olivia said goodbye to the receptionist and walked out of the room with her new companion.

The young girls walked in silence. Either neither of them knew how to start a conversation, or, they enjoyed the silence. It was until about half way down the corridor, that Olivia had enough of the deafening silence.

However, before Olivia could open her mouth, the curly haired girl spoke up.

"Michelle. "

"What? "

"My name. It's Michelle. "

"Oh. My name is... "

"Olivia Hale. " Olivia stopped stunned.

"Your name is on your schedule. " The blonde girl chuckled nervously as Michelle continued down the hallway without another word.

They walked for a couple of more minutes before Michelle stopped in front of one of the many doors.

"This is our class, science with Mr Cobbwell. He's pretty chill. "

She outstretched her hand towards the door and knocked. Olivia walked inside. Her breath hitched as all heads turned to her.

She noticed that Michelle made her way to a corner of the room, before collapsing onto a chair.

Olivia heard faint whispers and murmurs coming from the students. Some sounded excited and some confused. The teacher, Mr Cobbwell, stood up and smiled.

"Good morning. You must be the new student. My name is Mr Cobbwell. Welcome to science. Unfortunately, as you have joined so late into the year, you will have to sit in the back and the only spare seat is next to.... Mr Parker! "

A loud thud could be heard from the back of the class as a young boy appeared from underneath the table. His face was beetroot red as his right hand massaged the top of his head.

The teacher gestured towards the seat. Olivia walked towards her seat. As she sat down in her assigned seat and turned to the boy next to her.

He had his earphones in and looked unfazed by the earlier occurrence. She had an odd feeling that she saw him somewhere. Olivia looked at his features and figured it out. The boy that she had earlier met in the sandwich shop was in her class. And, he was sitting right next to her.

Olivia took out her notebook and proceeded to write down formulas and information she found useful.

After half an hour or so, she felt something, or rather, someone, nudge her shoulder. She turned around to see the brown haired boy staring at her.

"Hi. I'm Peter Parker. "


Unknown number

Tony finally let you live your life. I'm glad yet - it's a shame I couldn't be there to send you off. I hope you could forgive me someday.

I wish that the war never happened and that everything would go back the way it was. I wish we could all be a family again.

Remember our training. Never loose control.

Natasha and Sam send their best.

Love, Steve.


[ unedited ]
1400+ words

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