》crash and burn

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I yawn as I pack the kids lunches, preparing to take them to school. I'm almost 30 years old, my kids are all growing up and yet I'm still exhausted all the time.

Marliya is now 12 years old; my sassy little princess loves to dance, she gets solid B grades and she is so well mannered and polite.

Wolfe is almost 8 and he is so shy, but still manages to shine brighter than his sister sometimes. It seems like our kids are a generous mix of both Seth and I, always a mix.

"Hurry up guys!" I call as I lean on the counter impatiently.

My family sadly had to move away about 3 years ago, however they visit almost every weekend. Recently, however, Carlisle became a professor at the local college and teaches night classes 6 days a week, so they haven't been for months. We still call and video chat with them - Marliya needs her regular Emmett fix! Edward, Bella and Renesmee visit more often because of Charlie, however they've been MIA doing their own thing since last month.

Marliya skips down, her curly hair in a messy pony tail. "Mom, where's my joggers?"

I sigh. "In the wash because you only gave them to me yesterday. I'll have them dropped off in time for track, okay?"

She nods and throws her lunch in her backpack as Wolfe quietly comes down, pushing his glasses onto his face. "Did you cut the crusts off momma?" He says softly.

I kiss his head. "Yes I did. Are we ready? Can we go?"

They both nod and I silently thank the lord; my kids are like their father and suck at time management! I make sure they are buckled up before I pull out of the house and drive them to school.

I don't get a goodbye or a 'love you mom', I just get two doors slammed at me and my kids disappearing into the school crowd. I sigh and roll my eyes, driving back towards the house; I spend so much time alone there now and I hate it. It's so empty.

I throw the keys into the bowl by the door and look at the big empty house I'm stood in. The same as it was all those years ago, but being so empty it feels like a different place. I run my fingers over the railing as I head upstairs to the living room.

I stare around for a moment before I begin to feel dizzy. Oh god not again... I feel myself buckle and fall to the floor, the world spinning as I squeeze my eyes shut. Deep breaths Adley, deep breaths. I exhale slowly after a moment and sit up, resting my head in my lap.

Thankfully I didn't faint like I have the last few times; yes, I'm worried but Carlisle isn't around and I have no trust to other doctors. I exhale slowly and stand, sitting on the couch until I feel okay enough to get back to normal.

I slowly stand and jump when I see Bella stood in the doorway, her arms crossed. "Jesus, Bella." I mutter and shake my head as I grab the glasses left from Seth and I last night.

"What was that!?" She demands as she follows me swiftly to the kitchen.

"Morning, I just forgot to eat today." I mutter as I wash the dishes.

She puts her hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "Adley, that wasn't hunger. How often has this happened?"

I sigh and turn around leaning on the counter as I avoid her worried gaze. "I just.." I sigh again. "It's happened a few times these last few weeks." I finally admit.

She frowns deeper. "Why didn't you say something?"

"Because it's nothing, okay? I bought a pregnancy test, I'm gonna do that soon to rule that out. If I'm not pregnant then it's probably just exhaustion."

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