Chapter 5

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"I want a divorce" Adrian says with anger in her voice.
She storms back in the house, Omar walks home with tears in his eyes.


Ricky POV: I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad for Omar and Adrian. Since when did Clementine even come to New York. But Omar is a jerk for cheating on Adrian. Amy and I are watching a movie downstairs with Kathy and John. They both fell asleep though.

A: I feel so bad for her.

R: I do too, but we don't need the stress right now Amy, we just need to focus on our family.

A:Your right, how has work been?

R: It has been okay, I just miss you when I am there.
A: I bet you do.

They both laugh, Jack and Grace come down the stairs.

G: I can not believe that just happened.

J: Wow.

A&R: I know.

G: Well we should get going, do this again some day with our Adrian and Omar.

A: Or at least without Omar, Adrian didn't do anything wrong.

J: Come on Kathy.

Grace and Jack took there daughter home. Ricky and Amy got John ready for bed then got in bed themselves.

R: Do you wanna do anything?

A: Yes please!

The rest of the night went fast.

They woke up at about 1030 am. Ricky made breakfast for Amy and John. They all ate then heard a knock at the door.

Ricky got the door to see a good looking guy with a big grin on his face.

Jacob: Is Amy here?

Amy: JACOB!!

Jacob: Amy.

They hug tightly and Ricky has a look of envy on his face.

Ricky: Who's this?

Amy: Oh Ricky, this is Jacob.

Jacob: Aka, her best friend since grade school.

Amy: What are you doing here?

Jacob: I'm here on business.

John: Mommy

Jacob: The famous John, hey buddy.
He grabbed John in his arms.

Amy: Come sit.

They sat down.

Jacob: I missed you so much Amy, how have you been?

Amy: I have been great.

Jacob: Wow, it feels like it has been forever.

Ricky: Who exactly are you.

Jacob: Amy and I go way back, we met in kindergarten and have been very very close friends since.

Ricky: How come I never heard of you?
He looks at Amy. She can see the look of hurt and jealousy on his face.

Jacob: You know I was a little upset when I heard there was a wedding, I always thought it would be me and you getting married Amy.

Ricky: Excuse me?

Amy: He didn't mean it like that, are you hungry?

Jacob: Yes I am, why don't we go out to eat.

Amy looks at Ricky.

A: Ricky and I already ate.

Jacob: Well we need to catch up, do you mind watching John?

Amy: Can't they come? He is my husband.

Jacob: Well

Amy: You know we can just stay here?

Jacob: I really wanna catch up Amy, come on.

Grace and Jack walk in with Kathy.

Jack: Hey gu- Who is that?

Jacob: Jacob Jones, nice to meet you.

Ricky gives them a look.

Amy: He is just a friend.

Jacob: Amy and I go way back, actually we were just about to go grab a bite to eat.

Amy: Ricky why don't you and I go talk in the other room.

Ricky grabs Amy putting his arm around her making sure Jacob sees.

They walk into there room.

Amy: You have nothing to worry about Ricky.

Ricky: I know that Amy, I just get weird vibes from that guy.

Amy: He is like my brother.

Ricky: He doesn't act like it.

Amy walks close to Ricky.

Amy: But I love you" she says in a seductive way.

He grabs her waist. R: I love you Amy.

They passionately kiss.

Ricky: I trust you Amy.

Amy: You have nothing to worry about...

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Be expecting lots of DRAMA in the upcoming chapters! Please comment and leave a vote! Thank you all for reading!

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