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                              EXCERPT: She noticed her sister's Vogue magazine on the kitchen table. She looked at the girl on the cover with a pang of jealousy. I want to look like that. She thought to herself as she was eating her cookie. She flipped through the glossy pages, looking at the beautiful clothes these models wore, clothes she could never fit into. Their legs were perfect, their bodies were nice and thin, their face was gorgeous, and they all had a half starved look. But Amanda was entranced by them. With disgust she threw her cookie away. She couldn't be eating like this anymore, she realized looking down at herself. The feeling of absolute disgust about your body and looks was a terrible feeling. It makes you feel as though you might as well just died. Kids words floated back to her. “If I was her I would kill myself.” “It's her fault she's so fat anyways. Do you see how much food she eats?” “Oh look here's the whale. Someone should tell her Shamu is at Seaworld.” Their words dug into her like knives. She hated the magazine, she hated it so much. But she couldn't stop looking at it. Amanda took it and hid it in her room. Her sister wouldn't notice it anyways she had tons of magazines. She ate a carrot instead.

Genre: Teen Fiction Title: Big Mac

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