CRUSH (Part 6)

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-Shrimp Truck-

Dad/Steve- "Hey guys"

Lissy- "Hi Dad"

Chris- "Ummmmmm......can I talk you privately?

Steve/Dad- "Sure. Lissy can you order the food for us. Tacos for me. Chris"?

Chris- "Tacos please"

Steve/Dad- "Here is the money"

Lissy- "Okay" I said as I left

Steve- "What can help you with Chris"?

Chris- "So as you know my father and I came back to the island because my father had some business to do"

Steve- "Yes"

Chris- "Well I wasn't telling the full truth"

Steve- "What is the truth"?

Chris- "My Dad is here on business trip but not related to his work"

Steve- "Explain it more"

Chris- "We planned to come here about a month ago. My Dad has been getting these calls from someone.

Steve- "Did your father ever mentioned this name before"?

Chris- "No he hasn't. Right before we left the house he received another phone call with a different voice. The voice was more deeper and more scratchy than the others"

Steve- "How many calls was made to your Dad"

Chris- "About 100 in the past month"

Steve- "What did the person tell your father"?

Chris- "The person told him that once we had landed in Hawaii we were supposed to go directly to out hotel room. There my Dad would find a evenlope with instructions on what he needed to do"

Steve- "What did the letter say"?

Chris- "I only got a glimpse of it. It said that my father was supposed to meet them in Kohala Forest at 7 in the morning"

Steve- "When did this all happen"?

Chris- "A week ago"

Steve- "How come your telling me a week when this happened"

Chris- "My father told me not to tell anyone. The day he left he told me that he would be back in 3 days. 3 days came and he never showed up. I went to the forest but never found him"

Steve- "My team and I will try our best to find him. I will have swat and H.P.D. looking for him. I have helicopters over the whole island"

Chris- "You can't do that"

Steve- "How come"?

Chris- "The letter also said that if he involved anyone else especially the police they would find me and kill me"

Steve- "Chris I have to do this in order to save your Dad"

Chris- "Fine. Anything to get my Dad back"

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