Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatchya Gonna Do?

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*Okay so I need to rant for a minute. I absolutely love when my readers comment a million different comments on the same chapter but there is a person yelling at them for it. I would like to kindly ask this person to go drink their Haterade somewhere else and stop telling my readers to ‘Only comment once’ because those people that comment more than once literally make my day. Anyways, another upload so soon (: <3 I honestly was going to finish the party last chapter but it would have been too long so here’s the next chapter! I hope you like it my lovely readers.*

Dean’s Point of View

“Dean, Charlie,” Bela smiles. Her arm is linked with Cas’ but she pulls away when she sees a girl walk into the room. “Meg!” she squeals before running up to her. Cas watches her but then turns to us with a smile.

“This is a pretty cool party,” Cas says with a smile.

“THANK YOU!” Benny yells over the music as he walks by pulling a girl behind him who is laughing.

I laugh and nod at Cas, “Yeah it is. I’m glad you came.”

“I’m glad I came to. I‘ve never been to these kind of things,” he smiles shyly.

“Well. You’re here now!” Charlie yells, “I’m going to get a drink I’ll grab you a beer Dean.”

“Thanks,” I smile at her before she pushes her way through the many people. I turn to Cas and his vivid ice blue eyes are sparkling with warmth as he smiles up at me. That smile. The one where his light pink lips stretch perfectly over his straight white teeth and his top lip slightly curls under so you can see a tiny bit of his gums. It’s that kind of smile that is awkward and adorable and you can’t help but to smile back at it. I take a moment to look over his features and notice how his jawline is strong but soft at the same time. His skin is smooth and that perfect mix between tan and pale. He always has a slight tint of red in his cheeks and when that red turns a darker shade, I notice that I have been staring for a while.

“Is there something on my face?” Cas asks with a shy smile as he runs his hand over his cheek and across his jaw.

“Huh? What? Oh, ah, no,” I blush before looking away, “I like the new look.”

He smiles up at me, “Thanks, I wasn’t sure about it. I mean I’ve never worn anything like it.”

“It works for you,” I smile at him. Wow, that sounded so gay.


“Thank you,” he says as his cheeks turn, if possible, a darker red. I laugh and rub the back of my neck awkwardly.

“You guys are so lammmmee, just standing around here talking. Let’s have some fun,” Charlie shouts as she walks back over to us with three beers, a huge bottle of whiskey, and two full bottles of raspberry vodka. He is straight so I’m going to treat him like that. I’m going to treat him as just a friend. Tonight is going to be fun. I’m going to show him the best night of his life and he will never forget it.


“Dean,” I hear Cas’ ruff voice grumble. I roll my head to the right, along the white brick wall. From where I’m sitting on the ground, I can see the boy laying on the bench next to me. “Where are we?” he asks in a gravelly voice.

“Where do you think,” Charlie’s tired voice comes from across the tiled room. I glance over at her and see that she’s sitting on the floor too. Bela is still passed out on the bench next to her with her feet on Meg’s lap who is passed out with her head against the brick wall.   

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