We Still Matter

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We had broke up.

Even if it is

A stupid story,

Even if it is

Just a fragment of our minds,

But between You and Me.

Telling it,

Changes other people

Just the slightest little bit,

Just as living the stupid story

Changes me.

An infinitesimal change.

And that infinitesimal change,

Ripples outwards.

Ever smaller but


I will be forgotten,

Lost, unnoticed.

Like a voice,

Screaming in pain and affliction

In a closed room,

Bounded by glass,

Fighting, shrieking

Wanting to be heard,

Waiting to be detected,

Wanting to get attention.

By the outside world (You).

A miniscule acknowledgement.

Would bring it back to its heels

But it just cannot be.

And I will say again,

I will be forgotten,

But the stories will last

And live on.

And so we still matter,

All of us do matter.

Maybe less than a lot,

But always more than none


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