17 | Jeon Jungkook

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U want to die? Come here! I yell as he ran towards his bed and i ran behind him. He jumped on his bed with a pillow in his hand, i get on his bed too, standing on it, i started to smack him but he Dodged. He gets off the bed. I quickly get off it too but something falls down.

I bend to pick it up, it was his phone. I take it and was about to place it on the table but accidentally my thumb rubs across the screen and his phone opens. And guess wat he was smiling about a while ago?

It was a picture of me sleeping.

I looks at him.

He stares at me.

If he loves me so much then why would this idiot die!? I walked towards him and grabbed his ears.

He winces in pain when i drag him outside the room. I drag him upstairs to the roof with bts following us in horror.

U want to die? Jump off the roof then in front of me! I told him as he hids behind yoongi.

Mina, stop it. Taehyung says grabbing my hand.

He was depressed u guys left. He explains and i shrug his hands off me.

Come on! We all tried to contact u! I shout.

Come on! That's why none of us knew jungkook has a daughter! He shouts back.

Jungkook wat!? Namjoon's mouth flew open.

I knew, he would do something big someday. Jin smacks hoseok.

Sana texted u! But u never replied! She texted u thousands of times! Tzuyu and i stopped but she didn't! She still checks upon bts every morning! Silence fills the roof. The sound of my heavy breathing and the air collides.

I decided to leave since i have nothing to do here anymore. I started to walk away when taehyung stops me.

When is ur fan meeting? He asks me.

Tomorrow. I reply while jin takes his kids downstairs leaving two ill-mannered ones here. I start to walk away but then stopped again.

U, i point my finger at jimin.

Don't forget to jump off. He giggles and i turn around then smile.

Her pov

Ever since Myungsoo proposed me, his behaviour changed. He stopped behaving like jungkook. Wait, from where did Jungkook came again?

So, Myungsoo is not behaving like he used to do. It's like someone else controlled him back then and now that someone else is gone and this is the Myungsoo i knew in school. Not the one who i met here.

I saw mina walking towards our neighbours house through the window. Without even ringing the bell she entered the house and shuts the door. I stare and stare until she comes out. She doesn't.

I saw her holding a boy's ears and dragging him to the edge of the roof. Who is that boy?

Jimin... I gasps looking at sight. Soon all the members of bts came upstairs except jungkook.

Bts? Our neighbours? The sobbing on the doorbell? Myungsoo's change of behaviour? Jungkook? Jiyeon, sowon, sana and mina's looking out the window and sighing? Aera's excessive crying?

Is everything connected?

Just when i asked these questions, all of them were answered together....

Myungsoo and a guy wearing mask gets off the same car and walks towards the same house just when the guy stops and walks over our house. Sana and jiyeon were outside dumping the garbage.

These four talked and laughed. I saw sana hitting the guy. Jiyeon eyes had that shimmer in her eyes when she looked at Myungsoo. And she glares whenever she talks to the guy wearing mask.

Then something happened. Something that shouldn't have.

The guy takes off his mask.

Tears fills my eyes so he was the one helping Myungsoo marry me!? He did that? I thought he loved me at least a little bit but he did. I look away and then looked back at him,

Jeon Jungkook


Hey guys!
So finally Tzuyu
knows Jungkook was
with her all this time😉
Love ya❤❤

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