Martinus hit another wall and pressed his ear against the cool, firm structure again, hoping it would give him a clue.


It was silent except for the sound of his steady breath. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. There was no sound, no movement, no life as long as he chose to stay still. It was slightly boring yet eerily peaceful.

Sage would've enjoyed the silence for a few minutes if his entire body wasn't still buzzing and aching so badly. But his mind was scrambled and his body was not cooperating with him at all. He wasn't sure how long he had been awake because the time seemed to blur together there, but he knew it was taking an awfully long time for the drug to lose its after effects, he just didn't know why.

The worst part of it was his confused, weary mind because he wasn't sure what he should do and he couldn't bring his mind to figure it out. It seemed that he was just going to have to submit to his captors and follow their lead. But what was their lead?


When the pain in her head settled down to a dull throbbing and her ringing ears faded into silence, Scarlett finally rose up to her feet.

"Ugh," she sighed, rubbing her back and glancing down at the hard, wooden floors. "Seeing as I'm a guest here, it was absolutely rude to give me such a horrible sleeping surface."

She wasn't serious of course, she was just trying to fill the awful soundlessness of the ridiculously bright room. She started to move around, hoping it would soothe her sore muscles somehow. That was when she realized what she was wearing.

Scarlett looked down at the thin shoes that were pinching her feet and scoffed.

"Are those freaking Toms?" She grumbled, reaching down and slowly pulling them off, one at a time. "That's ridiculous."

She threw them to one side of the room and returned her focus to her gray sweatpants and tee shirt. She squinted at the black symbol on the shirt and tried to decipher its meaning. After almost immediately giving up on the symbol, she found herself wandering over to the white door to her left. She leaned over and pressed her ear to the cold surface, shutting her eyes tightly and listening with all her might.

She almost had a heart attack when the door suddenly swung open, away from her face. She stumbled forward and barely caught the yelp rising in her throat when she saw the being who had probably just opened the door for her. She turned to meet its striking eyes.

Scarlett had never seen such a creature before in her life, and truthfully, it startled her a bit. The tall thing resembled a human, kind of, just with a pearly gunmetal complexion and shimmering ivory eyes that stood out against its dark skin. It's slender, graceful form was wrapped up in thick, dark robes that flowed all the way down to its ankles. The robes had a thick hood, but it was dangling unused against the thing's back.

Scarlett thought she detected a twinkle of amusement in its eyes as it stepped away from her and motioned for her to follow. Then she realized that she was just standing there, staring dumbly. She swallowed and sent a wary glance up and down the hallway she was in before she stepped forward and followed the thing, which she was beginning to realize reminded her of a monk in someway.

It went down the hallway, breezing through in a very graceful, quiet manner. Scarlett saw no other option, so she shuffled along behind it.

"Uh," Scarlett finally said in a soft, squeaky voice. "I-Is there any way I could get some water to drink?"

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