Stress //Lams

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AN: John is me. Imma just say that before I even start. Also, sorry I haven't updated but my head is going to shit and I only feel okay when my trashy 2000s rap albums are playing, which has been like most of my time. Also I'm trying to write an actual book to get real world published, so that's going nicely. Anywayyyyy,

John scrambled through the kitchen, flinging open cabinets as he spun around. His hair was a mess and his clothes were hanging at odd angles, very unlike how he usually dressed. Alex came out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"John, why are you up at 6 am? We don't have classes,"

John whirled around and looked at Alex with a crazed expression. "Where's the vodka?!"

"You are not having vodka at 6 in the morning! What has gotten into you?"

He turned back the the cabinets, resuming his rummaging through them. "I haven't slept in ages, babe, I need coffee and vodka and will you actually just take me to the bar?"

"Hell no. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Finals soon, Alex, finals soon. I study and I study and then I'll drink and then I can study more, help me with my cycle,"

Alex wreathed his arms around John's waist and pulled him away from the counter. John tried to struggle, but his weakened state would hardly allow it.


"Go to bed, John Laurens, or so help me I will tie you to the couch,"

"Just...a little vodka?"

"Nope. Come lay down, I'll stay with you,"

John consented and let himself be carried to the bed, where Alex laid down beside him and threw an arm over his waist. John groaned softly.

"What have you been doing, downing coffee and alcohol all the time? You can't live like that. When was the last time you ate?"

John leaned into him, his head throbbing in pain. "Ere-yesterday,"

"John, no,"

"John, yes," he murmured, then fell asleep.

AN: I want to give a shout out to people who are taking finals and exams soon, because I know how hard those are and how much stress they can put on you. Be careful and don't be too worried, kiddos, you can do well without hurting yourself.

(394 words)

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