Seme!Italy x Depressed!Male!Reader-After School Clubs *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by CosplayNightmare , hope you like it :) also this is the 100th chapter, woo!

Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Japan-Kiku Honda

(M/n)-Male name

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I keep my head down as I walk down the hallway. I don't want anyone to notice me and start picking on me. This entire school is like a Hell house, if I make one wrong move I'll get beaten up or worse.

Ever since my parents kicked me out I've been more emotionally vulnerable. My parents were forced by the law to continue paying for my school but I was allowed to live in my own apartment. I don't know why they kicked me out, I never did saying.

Since then my grades have dropped, I lost most of my friends and I quit my after school club. I feel sad most of the time for no reason but also numb, angry and annoyed. I guess it's what you call depression but I haven't been diagnosed.

It feels painful though, I can't ignore how I feel inside. The days I feel numb are the easiest to deal with because I don't feel any urges to cut myself. I've cut myself a few times and it releases some of the pain. Luckily my school uniform covers my arms and wrists.

"How's it going looser?" One of my bullies says stepping out from the side of the hallway, snapping me from my thoughts

I keep my head down but stop walking. I don't talk to them any more, it just makes it easier.

"I'm talking to you." He says grabbing me roughly

"I-I'm just heading to class." I say quietly

He punches me in the stomach twice and then throws me back.

"Stay out of my way looser." He says and walks past me, knocking me as he goes past

I clutch my stomach tightly and continue walking down the hallway to my class. Once inside I sit down on my chair, resting my head on the desk and trying to sleep for a few minutes, I cough and some blood comes up. Shit, it's probably internal bleeding.

I know it's bad to ignore it but if I walk to the nurses office I might risk running into someone else who will hurt me worse. I take a sip of water from my water bottle and lay back down on my desk again.

"Ve~ are you ok?" I hear a voice ask

I look up to see the most beautiful boy o have ever seen. He has auburn hair with a curl sticking out and amber eyes, his skin is tanned and he is wearing a shirt saying 'I love pasta'. His eyes are warm and he looks like he cares about me a lot, but who is he?

"I'm fine." I reply looking into his eyes

"Ve~ I don't think you are, you seem sad." He says and pulls up a seat next to me

"Why do you care?" I ask

"Because I don't like seeing bello people in pain." He says moving closer to me "My name's Feliciano Vargas but you can call me Feli."


"I just have some issues at home." I mumble, secretly rubbing my throbbing scars

I'm feeling urges again...

"Ve~ ok, but I don't want you to feel upset." He says wrapping g his arms tightly around me "I really like you (M/n)."

"H-How do you know who I am?" I ask confused

"I've watched you for a few months now, just during class, lunch and in the hallways. I think you're really amazing." Feliciano states

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