Fuck Off, Please And Thank You

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[Cheater Zack x Reader x Daniel]

(Y/n) rolled her eyes as the idiot tried to approach her again.

"Come on (Y/n)! I told you, its not what you think! Give me another chance!" Zack yelled while she walked away ignoring him again.

"Babe, she's ignoring you so just pay attention to me~" Yui cooed. Grabbing Zack's arm and putting it between her boobs trying to get a reaction from him only to see him become irritated.

"Get the fuck off of me." he glared at her.

"But babe..." he shook her off and walked away, in the opposite direction of (Y/n).

"Hey, (Y/n)! Wait up!" Daniel yelled running to catch up with her. They walked out of the school.

"Hey Daniel."she said looking up at him for a moment then returning her gaze to in front of her.

"How are you?" Daniel asked worry laced his voice.

"I'm fine, I suppose. How are you?" she asked sounding bored.

"I'm pretty good, uh, where are you going?" he asked again, looking at his surroundings seeing tall buildings.

"I was going to go to a park so I can have some time to myself in fresh air, but its fine if you want to come along too." She answered adjusting her bag do that it fits more comfortable on her shoulders.

"I guess I have a bit of spare time, I wouldn't mind hanging out for a little while." Daniel answered.

"Sounds good." She answered.

They arrived that the park, talking about small topics.

"So, what's up with Zack? He seemed angry when you started walking away," Daniel asked curious about the situation. "Its fine if you don't want to talk about it, I was just a bit worried."

"Oh, it was nothing. He's just a major fuck who needs to learn that when I ignore him to just stop trying. He's too persistent." she answered sighing.

"What do you mean by too persistent?" Daniel asked as they sat down at a bench looking towards the small grassy area in front of them.

"Well, the situation is complicated and he is basically in denial about it." she paused looking over at Daniel who had been watching her intently.

"I apologize if I ask too many questions, but why is he in denial? You two used to be so happy to see each other," he furrowed his eyebrows a bit frustrated and confused.

"Yeah, that is until he cheated on me with that fucking whore Yui. She's such a fucking cunt, she was smug about it too." (Y/n) clenched her teeth. She balled and unballed her fists, rage coursed through her.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I had no idea," he hugged her. Pulling her to him, holding her there placing his chin against the top of her head. She hugged him back, closing her eyes and putting her head against his chest.

"Its fine I guess, I'm just so sad and disappointed. I honestly thought..." she began crying. She took a deep breath trying to calm down. "I honestly thought that he was different. But I was wrong."

"I'm glad to know that Danny boy has decided to be your rebound." a familiar voice said.

"Go away Zack! You've already caused enough harm!" Daniel yelled at the idiot behind them. (Y/n) lifted her head pulling away from Daniel and wiping her tears away. Her face was emotionless, her eyes were more dull then when she had begun crying. Her dull (e/c) eyes sat on the ground.

"No, don't go. Because that's obviously something you wouldn't do. Nope, you come in, raise peoples hopes making them feel happy and think that your what they need. Then you destroy them, emotionally that is."  she stood up smoothing out her skirt and turning on her heel facing him. "Seeing as, you your self are too weak to understand that not everything can be fixed with violence. But you are right about one thing, it sure as hell makes you feel better."

"What the fuck are you saying? Have you gone depressed and sentimental because of that!? It was nothing, plus it's your own fault for trusting me." Zack said smugly. Daniel had watched the exchange, he had started becoming angry. (Y/n) wasn't someone that deserved to be built up and broken down, especially by someone she trusted and damn near loved.

"I seriously can't believe that I wasted my time on you, you poor piece of pure fucking shit." (Y/n) said, a small smirk on her face. She finally had a chance to come to terms with what he had done. "Now get the fuck out of my face before I beat you so badly you won't be recognizable. And all the plastic surgery in the world wouldn't fix it."

"What do you mean? Your a girl, girls can't fight!" Zack laughed his ego too big to realize he fucked up big time.

"Do you forget the time I took you out with one fucking punch? In front of basically the whole school. And the time at the school festival? Money doubled and a bloody nose. One for me and one for you." (Y/n) said a dark shadow forming over her features. "I gave you a chance and now you have to pay the fucking price."

She stepped onto the bench and launched herself at Zack, tackling him to the ground. She sat on his chest straddling him. She continued to punch him in the face until she didn't have to strength to lift her fists. "When you think you have big enough balls to approach me remember you did it to yourself, so fuck off please and thank you." Daniel helped her up.

"Next time take the fucking warning. And think twice before fucking up." she spat on him before walking away with Daniel.

~~The End~~

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